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A few days later, Emily was back. She had some color back in her cheeks, though she still looked a bit thinner than she had before. She walked a lot more slowly, and you watched her check the clock often. You realized she was probably in way more pain than she let on; she was checking to see when she could take more medicine.

Other than your antibiotics, the doctors had just given you instructions for larger doses of ibuprofen if the pain flared up. Judging from the size and shape of Emily's pills, she was on something stronger. Although it was slow-going, she was allowed back on the case.

You absolutely loathed sitting at your desk while you watched the rest of the team in the conference room. Yes, you had put yourself there for your own well-being, but you hated that you were missing out on everything that everyone else was doing. You tried not to stare, but every once in awhile you would look up to see Spencer keeping an eye on you through the glass.

You were essentially on desk duty, handling files and advising local police departments all over the US. Work had been piling up remarkably over the past few weeks, but Strauss essentially put the team on lockdown until this whole debacle was dealt with, most of the work being handed off to other departments. The buddy system rule was still in place. Most people rotated who they were staying with and where they would sleep, but it was an unspoken agreement at this point that you and Spencer were the exception. Part of you was thankful for that; you enjoyed spending so much time with him. On the other hand, you didn't particularly like that what the two of you had was public knowledge. It's not that you wanted your relationship with him to be a secret forever, but you had wanted to acknowledge it with everyone on your own terms. Not like this.

Spencer was driving your car to his place that evening. Traffic getting out of town fucking sucked, apparently construction was happening on top of some torrential rain, and it seemed like the two of you were going to be there awhile, inching forward sometimes and outright stopping in others. You had commandeered the radio, playing whatever you wanted through the speakers and singing lightly in the passenger seat. Even though Spencer didn't particularly like music that wasn't classical, he didn't seem to mind. You even caught him mumbling lyrics under his breath to songs that you played often around him.

At one point while the two of you were at a standstill, he unexpectedly reached forward and turned the stereo volume way down. You turned to look at him. He obviously had something he wanted to say.

"Who is Adam?"

You froze in your seat. There was no way.

"There's a lot of Adams out there," you replied shortly, hoping he would drop it. In stubborn Spencer fashion, he didn't.

"You know which one I'm talking about."

"How did you get that name, Spencer?"

There was only one way he could possibly have known, and that was if he had done some extremely deep diving into your past. That was a big no-no with the team, very much against the rules of trust and privacy. Spencer sighed, clenching and unclenching his hands around the steering wheel.

"Emily said that you asked for him. During everything, she said that you asked for Adam, asked where he was. I told them that I would ask you before they decided to just find it themselves. So. Who is he?"

There was just a slight edge of bitterness in his voice.

"I can't believe it. You're jealous," you replied incredulously.


"And what? Why are you asking me about this? It doesn't pertain to the case. That's all you need to know."

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now