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Your eyes snapped open and you tried to sit up, but the world was spinning too much. Your whole body hurt. The ringing in your ears made you disoriented, nauseous, and your jagged breathing didn't make it any easier. You stayed low on the concrete, trying to process what was going on. But there were too many stimuli, too many distractions, and all you could focus on was the weirdly shaped puddle of blood on the concrete. You lifted a hand to your forehead, feeling a sting, and when you drew your hand back it was covered in blood.

You turned your head, trying to understand what had happened. It was dark. You were laying between two cars. Parking garage. Your heartbeat and the car alarms going off were so loud that you couldn't think straight, weird sounds and lights that you couldn't make out because you couldn't even process your own thoughts. You were so dizzy. What were you doing before this?

Walking. With-

Spencer. He had been right next to you. Your snapped up, and you forced yourself to sit up despite the vertigo, looking around frantically. You couldn't see anyone at all, just smoke and cars and flashing lights. You felt like you were going to throw up.

"Spencer?" you called. Or at least you thought you said something. If you did, you were sure there was panic in your voice, but you couldn't hear anything, not even yourself. God your head was starting to hurt from all the noise, you couldn't fucking THINK.

"Spencer?!" you asked again, louder this time. It felt like you were yelling, maybe you were, maybe you weren't. You struggled to stand, using a car to help hold yourself up. And then someone's hands were on you, on your shoulders, and you whirled around in panic. Surely you had screamed, but you couldn't quite hear it yet.

It was David, his hair askew, his suit covered in dust and rubble, small cuts all over his face and hands. He was mouthing something at you but you couldn't understand, and then he grabbed your shoulders and forced you down into a crouch. Sparks went off nearby. Bullets.

The parking garage was a warzone.

People were shooting at you. Bombs. It had to have been a bomb. Maybe two small ones or one big one, but-

And then Rossi was moving, pulling you along with him through the cars, weaving around until you saw Derek, hiding behind an SUV with a gun in his hand, shooting back at whoever was shooting at you. Your gun. You checked your holster and then realized you didn't have it on you. You had left it at your desk. You were walking the team to the garage because they were transporting Malcolm somewhere else. You didn't think you'd need it.

You wished this wasn't real, hoped that maybe it was just a really vivid dream. But the smoke and the car alarms and the distinct sound of gunshots ricocheting off of random vehicles was a stark reminder that this was, in fact, very, very real.


If someone had told you that your day ended in a random shootout, you wouldn't have believed them. You had woken up in Spencer's arms early, too early for your alarms, so early that the sun hadn't quite risen yet, just a small discoloration in the sky.

Spencer had thrown his arm around you from behind, buried his face into your neck and gave you small kisses there, on your shoulders, your back, everywhere he could reach. You chuckled lightly; his feathery touch tickled. You rolled over in bed to see him staring at you intently. He had this look on this face; the closest you could think of would perhaps be adoration. You smiled at him.

Waking up next to him was one of your favorite things. You loved his messy hair, his deep voice, the little yawns he made as he tried to shake sleep off. You loved how no matter where you were or what time of day it was, he was always touching you, always leaning in for a kiss, always brushing your hair away from your face so that he could see your smile more clearly, so that he could kiss you better. Sometimes he would talk first thing in the mornings, but mostly he didn't. Today was a quiet day, because even as you smiled sleepily at him he said nothing, just smiled back at you.

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now