The Stairwell

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Bryan was disappointing, to say the least. He had come after just a few minutes, and the longer his head was between your legs, the more annoyed you became. It didn't matter how you tried to guide him, he just didn't get it. So you faked an orgasm and kicked him out, falling onto your bed exasperatedly. Penny and Emily had already texted you for details and you honestly didn't want to reply. How embarrassing that they had hyped you up, only for you to have a sub-par evening with a man who couldn't even make you cum. How embarrassing for Bryan. His pretty face could only get him so far.

You had settled for laying on your back in bed, vibrator in one hand while the other ghosted up and down your body. Eventually your hands made it to your folds and you closed your eyes, imagining that Bryan hadn't fucked up so terribly, and that it was him pleasuring you. The thought didn't get you far, honestly. It was just so fucking disappointing, you didn't even want to think about him anymore. You were so horny, and it made it even worse to have someone in your bed who couldn't do anything for you.

So you laid there panting, fingers slowly pushing into yourself and vibrator on high, just trying to think of something, anything that would help. Your mind was just wandering, and then for some ungodly reason came to that scene of Spencer in the shower. The way the water had dripped down his strong arms, how his breath had come out in little huffs...

Oh no. You knew it was wrong and you tried again and again to think of something else or someone else, maybe a porn you had seen or a book you had read, but your mind just kept coming back to him.

Frustratedly, you withdrew your hands from your legs and turned your vibrator off, throwing it down on to the bed next to you with a groan. You'd rather never orgasm again than think of him while getting yourself off. You were more stubborn than you would have liked to admit, and as long as you and Spencer disliked each other, the more adamant you were that you would never give him the satisfaction. There's no way that he could find out that you had jerked off to him, but you still couldn't take that chance. It counted as a victory for him in your head, and you just couldn't risk giving that kind of power to him.


This particular fight had started a few days later when he had elbowed you in the ribs while grabbing his stuff off of the plane. You would have been okay if it was an accident, but he had just turned to look back at you and then faced forward without a word. He was provoking you. You scowled at the back of his head and shoulder checked him hard from behind as you passed to catch up with Emily and JJ. Your shoulder and your ribs hurt now, but it was worth it all the same.

Then, as if that wasn't enough, he had reached into the small elevator that the girls were using and planted his large hand over a majority of buttons right before the door closed, then following the men into the other elevator. Emily and JJ protested at him as he did so, but all you could think about was the smirk he had given you when he did so. The girls just thought it was a prank and the topic passed quickly as the three of you stopped on almost every floor, but you couldn't get the look on his face out of your mind.

"Y/N, what's going on up there?" JJ broke you from your thoughts. Her and Emily were both staring at you, seeing as you had zoned out staring at the numbers on the elevator buttons.

"Oh, not much, I'm honestly just really tired. I woke up early and hit the gym this morning before we knew we had a case this morning."

Emily nodded sympathetically.

"I completely understand, I feel so bad that I have to ask people to watch Sergio on such short notice."

"I would miss him so much if I were gone a lot," you said. "I'm sure it's hard for you too, huh JJ? Leaving your family so much?"

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