What's Yours is Mine

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You were feeling brave as you stepped through your apartment door that afternoon with Spencer walking in behind you. You were tired of not knowing what was going on between you two, not quite understanding how he felt, not knowing how you felt. You had only taken a step or two inside, turning around to watch him lock the front door. He jumped a little when he turned to see you still standing there so close to him. You decided in that moment that if he wasn't going to do it, you were going to do it yourself.

You reached up to his face, pulling him down to kiss you. He hesitated at the last moment, stopping less than an inch away from your lips. You stared each other down silently, and you watched as he glanced down to your lips and then back up at your eyes before slowly leaning in to kiss you. You closed your eyes, savoring the feeling of how soft his lips were as they very lightly brushed against yours. You felt his fingers dancing over your hips hesitantly, his hands never fully making contact with your body, as if he was scared that any sort of actual touch would shatter you into pieces.

You were having none of that. You deepened the kiss, pressing a little harder at Spencer to get him to match your energy, your urgency. He was still hesitant, trying to take it more slowly, and you realized he wouldn't pick it up without an incentive. You moved your hands to his shoulders, resting them there for a second before pushing him backwards, following him so that he was pressed there between you and the front door. He pulled his face away from yours, stunned. You were almost never the dominant one; both of you preferred him to take the lead because he liked to feel in control, and you liked to lose that control, if only for a short moment.

You grabbed at his shirt collar, crinkling it up in your hands as you raised your eyebrows at him in a silent question. He looked you up and down for a moment before his eyes settled on your face, nodding at you silently. You smirked, using his shirt collar to roughly pull him closer to you.

"What do you want?" you asked. You wanted to see how much he enjoyed his own games being used against himself. He took a moment to swallow hard, and you took that time to look down, undoing the top button of his shirt.


The way his voice had dropped sent shivers across your body. You resisted the urge to look back up at his face, because you knew his intense gaze would break you out of your position of power. You wanted this just as badly as he did, but you weren't ready to let him take over yet.

"Then ask me for it."

You undid another button on his shirt, still refusing to look up at him even as he grabbed your shoulders urgently.

"I want you."

You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to steady yourself. You could feel yourself getting wet by his voice alone, your legs already feeling weak. You took a deep breath and then opened your eyes again, plucking at another one of his shirt buttons.

"That wasn't very polite, Spencer," you replied, trying to keep your voice as nonchalant as possible.


The absolute want in his voice, bordering on desperation, tempted you even more to look up at him. But you kept your resilience, hands starting to shake from anticipation as you finished his shirt, your fingers finally settling on the waistband of his jeans, your fingertips just barely ghosting along his skin. You watched as he shivered slightly under your touch. But you refused to move. You wanted to see how long it would take for him to ask you again, to beg you for more. You could see the outline of his dick through his jeans and you knew it wouldn't be long. Sure enough, after a few moments of silence, he asked again.


"I don't know..."

He moved one of his hands to your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. His brow was furrowed and his gaze intense, his breathing deeper than normal. His cheeks were flushed, and it seemed like every word that spilled out of his mouth next made him blush more brightly.

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