Wine Night

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There was no hesitation.

Spencer breached the gap, pulling your face to his so that he could kiss you. It felt like he was stealing your breath away. You snaked your fingers into his hair, tugging lightly. It just encouraged him even more; he nipped at your bottom lip, moving his hands down to your waist so he could pull you closer to him.

His body was pressed up against yours, and you were on your tiptoes trying to get even closer to him. You couldn't get enough of each other, both of you panting. He grabbed your hips and lifted you up to messily throw you on the bed. For a moment you were apart, and then he was on you, this time straddling your hips. He leaned down to kiss you again, one hand curling into the hair at the back of your head. He pulled your head back, exposing your neck so he could kiss lower and lower.

You still had your hands in his hair, tugging at it and gasping when he hit sensitive spots on your skin. He stopped at your chest where your robe was covering your body, his hands dancing around the tie in the front. You looked down at him and your eyes met. There was this fire there, one that you had only seen a few times but that made your insides flutter every time.

"May I?"

God, his voice was so hot when he was like this.

"Please. Yes," you breathed.

He deftly untied your robe, and you reached forward to slip out of it and help him take his shirt off. He threw his shirt into the room somewhere and you ran your fingers up and down his surprisingly toned chest, admiring him. He was so beautiful. Your gaze went back to his face and you found him staring at you, biting his lip. You reached up to his face, wanting to pull him down to kiss you, but he stopped you.

"Wait. I want to remember you like this."

Sometimes you forgot that he had an eidetic memory. The fact that he wanted to look at you, remember what you looked like, made your heart swell. You took a moment to look at him, too. His hair was tousled to no end, his beautiful lips pink and a little swollen, still some stubble on his jaw.

His hands distracted you from your reverie. They were ghosting down your body, settling at your bare hips. He kissed your lips once again, this time moving his mouth down, over your throat, your collarbone, your nipples. He made it to your bellybutton before you heard pounding on a door.

The two of you froze, waiting to see if it would happen again. Nothing. He went back to kissing you when the pounding started again, and the distinct sound of someone calling your name. Shit.

You and Spencer jumped apart. You ran around the bed to grab your robe while he frantically looked for the shirt he had previously discarded. You dashed to the door, tying your robe around yourself and trying to fix whatever mess your hair was before opening the door. Penelope was standing there, a gift basket in hand.

"Penny!" you exclaimed, louder than you knew you needed to be. "What a surprise! What are you doing here?"

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Spencer dashing out of eyesight somewhere in your room.

"Well," she said, barging into your place, "a little birdy told me you weren't doing so well, so I thought we'd have wine and snacks and a movie! Attendance is mandatory, I am not taking no for an answer."

She plopped onto your couch, setting the basket on your coffee table. Wine and a movie? That was at least two hours, tops. You weren't sure how long Spencer could hold out. Hell, you had just gone through what felt like a rollercoaster ride. You were wet between your legs and your heart was still racing.

"Okay, girlie! Let me just get changed and I'll be ready."


You were walking back to your room when you noticed Spencer's shoes by the side of the couch. You prayed Penny hadn't noticed them when she walked in. You nonchalantly picked them up, closing the door to your room behind you. You turned around and Spencer was right there, his eyes wide. You put your finger on your mouth, signaling him to be quiet. You grabbed some clothes and went to your bathroom, signaling Spencer in first so that you could close the door behind him. You started to get dressed, frantically whispering to him as you did so.

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