The Raid, Part 2

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Your frightened eyes met Spencer's as Hotch and Morgan both started to protest at the same time. William yelled over them to shut up, placing his gun at Hotch's temple again, effectively silencing the group.

"I said what I said. Any last words, Dr. Reid?"

No. You couldn't watch this. But you also knew that you couldn't look away, because you knew Spencer would be looking at you. You had to be there for him until the very last second, until his very last breath.

You had seen people die before, but you hadn't known them like this. You hadn't loved them like this.

You felt like you were going to throw up. You knew you needed to keep your eyes open, keep calm, but you could feel your eyes starting to tear up anyways. Your team had mixed looks of sadness, horror. There truly was no way out of this one. Your only solace was that you were going to be next, right after him. You wouldn't be without him for too long.

You looked intensely at Spencer, trying to will him to understand that you loved him, trying to convey in a single glance that he shouldn't be scared. You would be there soon; he wouldn't be alone, wherever he went. You wanted to tell him you loved him, really and truly say those words. But now was not the time or the place. This isn't how you wanted this to happen, like a forced goodbye. You doubted that you'd be allowed to say anything before they shot him in the head anyways.

And then Spencer opened his mouth to speak.

Except, he wasn't looking at you at all like you thought he would be. He was staring straight at Rossi, who was standing right next to you.

"The Lord said unto Daniel, sitteth thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies my footstool."

You were instantly confused. As far as you knew, Jesus was the only one who sat at the right hand of God. Not Daniel.


JJ was sitting in her seat on the jet, mumbling lyrics to whatever was playing through her headphones under her breath.

"You know, you're actually saying that wrong," Spencer piped up from the seat next to her. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Why was he always sticking his nose in other people's business?

"What?" JJ asked, pausing her music to look at him confusedly.

"The way you pronounced 'tune' just now. According to the rules of phonetics in classical music, that's actually incorrect."

"Then how do you pronounce it?" Rossi asked from across the aisle.

"To keep uniformity and clarity when singing, modern diction books for singers use IPA, the International Phonetic Alphabet, to keep pronunciation correct. So when singing in English, anytime you have a 'u' or an 'ew' with certain preceding consonants, you're supposed to pronounce it with closed central vowels."

"What's it supposed to sound like, then?" Derek chimed in.

"So let's say you have the word news. You would pronounce it like 'nyooze' instead, starting with the harsher 'e' sound and then the 'oo' sound immediately after. But the phonetic alphabet doesn't spell it with an e or a double o. It looks more like this."

He grabbed a piece of paper, sketching quick letters before showing it to the group.


Before anyone else had time to speak, he was going off again about it.

"The rule only applies to those vowels after certain consonants. Most classical musicians and performers use the mnemonic 'Daniel Sitteth' to remember which letters affect the sound of the vowel."

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