Chapter 1- OMG

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(1328 words)

The Baku-Squad will be touring in their home town Musutafu...

Once I read the notification that lit up my phone, I squealed. It was a totally manly, and not at all embarrassing, squeal. I threw my phone on the bed and then did a little dance. Mina came running in, about to ask what happened when I pointed to my phone with a huge smile on my face. She gave me a knowing look before seeing if she was right.

Baku-Squad was a Masked band. An amazingly awesome, masked band. I honestly only liked them because of their singer, lead singer. His voice was amazing, obviously, and his eyes burned a fiery red. Well, that's what the close-up's show.

I have been saving up money so I could see them in person and it finally paid off. Musutafu is my home town, much like the band's, and to know that I might actually be able to get an autograph from them was exhilarating.

"So, does this mean your forcing me to come?" Mina took me away from my thoughts, a playful look on her face.

"Bitch, of course I'm forcing you, you know how awkward I am." I laughed a little, taking my phone away from the pink haired girl. I checked the time seeing it was almost my upload deadline. "Shit, I need to finish editing."

Mina laughed on her way to my door, stopping in the doorway, "Just make sure not to make a fool of yourself in front of your crush." She had a sing-song tone in her voice, skipping back to her room. My face now had red covering it, embarrassed by what she said.

I turned to my computer set up, letting out a frustrated huff. I had 3 hours till upload and 4 hours of editing. Guess who's about to rush. I made sure I had the food and water I needed before starting my editing process.

Once I finished, I was exhausted. It was maybe around 3 in the afternoon and I was ready to sleep. So, I made sure that I uploaded the video and then I shut off my computers. I let Mina know that I was done, moving back to my bed to sleep. Before sleep could consume me, Mina let out a loud scream, making me jolt upright and go see what happened.

When I entered the room, I saw Mina on her desk, a shoe in one hand, and a can of hairspray in the other. "What is wrong!" I was on high alert.

Mina couldn't form a proper sentence; all she did was a little tip toe dance and point to the opposite corner of the room. She threw the shoe at me, and then pointed once more. I just looked at her crazy and then moved to the corner, when I looked in the corner, I saw the scariest thing.

A spider was sitting in the corner, looked like it was ready to attack. I also screamed and then moved over to Mina, getting on the desk as well. We stayed on the desk for a good 15 minutes, only moving when it seemed the spider finally relaxed. We decided to trap the spider instead of killing it, putting it outside once we did.

Mina thanked me for the help and then we both went back to what we were doing before. When I was about to surrender to sleep once more, before I decided to tickets for the band. I made sure to get front row tickets, as well as making sure we could go and see the band members after the show.

I wanted to get the best seats, making sure I could see my favorite member. I might be a little obsessed with him, but in my defense, he is really hot, anyone would be obsessed.

Once I was satisfied with my purchases, I was finally able to let my body rest. Allowing sleep to take over, bringing me to dream land.

~Pov switch~

I just finished recording with my band, all of us moving into the kitchen to fill our stomachs. "It Is so fucking good to be home." Soy sauce spoke while opening up his water.

"Hell yeah it is, time to party!" Pikachu spoke up after taking a sip of water.

They all moved to the table, waiting for me to cook. I just scoffed, turning on my video camera and grabbing the materials needed. "We were gone for like 2 months, it's not that big of a deal." Headphones said, rolling her eyes at the two men in front of her. Out of every one in my band, she has to be my favorite. She doesn't annoy me like the other two dipshits.

"Can y'all shut up! I'm fucking recording!" I yelled at them, gesturing to the camera for a point. I went back to making the food, explaining as I was cooking.

I heard a snicker, side glancing to them with a scowl on my face, I here Pikachu speak. "He said y'all." He snickered quietly, the other shit head joining as headphones just sat there, focusing on her phone.

"Why do you even have YouTube? Aren't we supposed to like, not show our faces?" She didn't look up from her phone, probably stalking her crush.

"It's fucking fun and it's not like anyone can tell what my fucking voice sounds like. No one has heard it before dipshit." I was thankful that I was at a point that I could just edit this conversation out.

She rolled her eyes again as the other dipshits cried laughed at some dumb shit the other said. I decided to go and check my phone, seeing if anything good was happening. Before I got to deep into my phone, I finished cooking, making sure to tell my 'audience' to like and subscribe. I turned off the camera, giving food to my band mates and then feeding myself. We all talked and joked, well they joked, I snickered like once, maybe twice. Once finished they began to wash the dishes, considering I made the food.

It was a simple rule we had. Whoever cooked got out of doing dishes. So, as I passed them, I made a face, causing them to groan. I snickered, walking to my room and closing the door. I got onto my computer seeing a new notification.

Red Riot has uploaded a new video: Fiery eyes....

As soon as I read the name I clicked on the video, excited that my favorite YouTuber has uploaded a video. He did all these cool makeup videos and at the end of each video he had an inspirational quote. I have seen and tried each one of his tutorials.

After seeing the first video, I kind of developed a teeny, tiny crush on the red headed boy. It's not major, like at all, but I still wish I could see him in person. Anyway, the video was about 40 minutes long and I made sure to watch it from beginning to end.

Once I finished the video, I went into my bathroom to see if I had all the supplies, adding this video to the list so I can wear it during our concert. Speaking which, I need to see how many tickets we sold so far.

I moved to my other computer, going onto the web site so I can see how long before they are sold out. It was a pretty small concert; the max was 10,000 people. Right now, we have sold about 3,478 tickets. That's pretty good considering we only put up the tickets this morning.

As I left the website, I could feel sleep trying to take over. So, I went to my bed to allow it to consume me. I was excited about the concert coming up. I would never tell them this, but I love being in a band with those idiots.    

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