Chapter 15- The First Date

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It's been a few days since Shitty hair came to my house and it's been pretty fucking amazing. He actually isn't as messy as I thought he was and his coffee is the fucking best. I think about kissing him way too fucking often and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it.

Right now, he was driving me to a place that I don't know the fucking name too, he said it was a surprise. We were listening to my music, a smile on his face like usual. "Where the fuck, are you taking me?"

"I forgot. I was just driving to see what was around, Isn't that funny?" He had a stupid smile on his face, glancing over to me.

He can be such a smart alec sometimes, It's so fucking cute. "Fine, don't tell me. But don't expect me to enjoy it." I huffed a little, crossing my arms and then looking out the window.

"Your pout is adorable and you won't enjoy it, you will love it."

"I'm not pouting." I mumbled out, still looking out the window. I wasn't fucking pouting okay, my bottom lip just so happened to be out more than my top lip.

"Of course your not."

We continued on in a peaceful silence, the music the only thing filling the car. He gave me my gift after dinner, it was a box of spicy Pocky. I didn't even know they made spicy Pocky. It was surprising that he knew my taste, even before I told him.

We soon pulled into a park, like a kid's park. Nobody was here, it was just us, and it was just about mid-day. I looked at him confused, him only looking at me with a smile in return. I rolled my eyes, exiting the car to meet him in the front. "Why? Are we in a kids park?"

"Just, just close your eyes, and give me your hand."

I froze for a second wondering if I could trust him. I mean of course I can trust him; I just wasn't sure of what he could possibly show me. "Are you going to kill me?" My voice was full of seriousness.

He looked slightly offended and a little surprised. "How did you find out?" A smile on his face, his hand out and waiting.

"Lucky fucking guess." I hesitantly put my hand in his, feeling the warmth of his hand move to mine. "Promise not to kill me?" I looked up from our hands, seeing his beautiful red eyes.

He gave me a soft smile, bringing up his other hand with his pinky out. "Pinky promise, I won't kill you." I smiled a little, nodding my head and bringing up my hand, locking pinkies with him. I closed my eyes after, getting one last look and allowed him to lead me.

All I could really tell as we walked, was that we were in the woods behind the park. I tripped a few times, him laughing and me yelling at him, but it was still a fun trip. We would talk and he would laugh, I would only chuckle. When it was silent, I could hear all the animals moving around and the leaves rustling. The wind would move pieces of my hair and I just felt so content in this moment.

We stopped abruptly, me ending up bumping into him. "What the fuck? Why did we stop?" I was about to open my eyes when he placed a hand over them.

"No peaking. Stay here until I call for you, okay?"

I was hesitant for a second, closing my eyes once again. "So, you're not killing me, someone else is?"

He laughed a little, removing his hand from my face. I then felt hands on my shoulders, I'm guessing he moved in front of me. "Why else would I bring you here?" He paused to laugh a little. "Just stay here, don't peak, and I will be back in exactly two minutes, okay?"

"Okay, fine. But you promised not to kill me, if you do, I will come back, got it?"

"Dang, that ruins my plans doesn't it." I could just tell he had one of his amazing smiles on his face as he finished.

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