Chapter 14- Another Movie Night

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'Ugh, I can't believe I just asked that, I'm such an idiot!' I was so embarrassed about what I asked him, that's all I could think about on our way to his living room. We were going to relax for the rest of the day and then go somewhere tomorrow. "Are we going to watch another movie?" I honestly had no clue what we were doing.

"Unless you don't fucking want to." He stopped walking to turn and face me, giving me a questioning look.

"No, no that's fine with me bro. I'm cool with whatever." I gave him a reassuring smile. Causing him to turn back around and continue to the couch.

"So, another horror movie?" A smirk was plastered on his beautiful face, his eyes held competition.

"Definitely not. This time, we do comedy."

"Nope, you still owe me for the amusement park."

"What? I got you the food." I was practically whining.

"And? You lost every time. That means I get special fucking attention."

"When did we agree to that!?"

"Well I did!" We were now up close, me having to look down a little bit to see his eyes.

"But I didn't!"

"I don't fucking care!" He went on his tippy toes to get closer, wanting to win this argument.

We were just staring each other down, neither of us wanting to back off. After a few seconds we both started to laugh, backing away slightly. Once we both calmed down, I spoke, "Okay, fine. We can watch a horror movie, but next time we watch comedy."

"Fine, fine. Next time we can watch a fucking comedy." We both had smiles on our faces, his way smaller than mine but I wasn't complaining.

We got situated on the couch, then I wanted popcorn. "Do you have any popcorn?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it's in the pantry. The bowls are next to the stove and the pantry is next to the fridge." He was trying to find a movie for us to watch so I wasn't bothered by the lack of attention.

"Cool, be right back."

"Can you also grab me some water?"

"Yeah, of course bro." I walked to the kitchen, seeing that he had two stoves.

"Scavenger hunt for bowls." I chuckled a little to myself, moving to look through the cupboards. A few minutes passed and I now had a bowl with popcorn in it. I moved to the fridge, grabbing a water, when my phone started to ring. "Wassup?"

"Hey! Kiri! What are doing?"

"Oh, me and Bakugou are just going to watch a movie. What are you doing Ochako?"

I shut the fridge door, placing the water on the counter then sitting on the island, my back facing the living room. "Oh, you know, just chilling at my house."

"Are you hanging out with the group?"

"What? No, no I'm by myself. I just wanted to tell you that you should make a move on Bakuhoe. Okay bye."

"Wait, no Ochako wha- ugh!" I placed my arm down on the counter, my head down and a deep blush on my face. "Make a move? How am I supposed to make a move? I can't even get close to him without my heart racing." I huffed a little, hopping off the island and the grabbing the snacks, making my way back to the couch.

We began watching the movie, me moving closer every so often. Mostly from jump scares, but also because I'm trying to 'make a move.' Just like last time I pathetically jumped in his arms, hiding my face from the screen. I really hate horror movies, if you couldn't tell. He didn't flinch though, he just put his arms around me bringing me closer in a protective gesture.

When the movie finished, it was about 5 in the afternoon. We finished the popcorn and his drink. I would take a sip every so often, I forget to grab my own okay, don't judge.

We both walked to the kitchen, seeing what we wanted to eat. "I'm thinking, curry."

"Absolutely not, your curry is like death."

"You just can't fucking handle it."

"You just have a weird taste sense."

"My 'taste sense' is fucking amazing, you just aren't strong enough."

"Not strong enough?" I went up too him, a look of confusion on his face. I just dismissed his look, picking him up easily. His legs were around my waist and his arms were on my neck, my hands underneath him so I'm holding him up. "Now am I strong enough?" His face was visibly red.

"Put me down dumb hair!"

"But you look so cute like this. How could I just stop?" His face became redder and so did mine once I realized what I said. "I-I mean. I um, I just wanted to prove an um, a point. I can put you down if you want."

When I went to let go, he tightened his grip, letting me know he didn't want to be put down. "Just a few more minutes." His voice was so low, that if he wasn't leaning closer into me, I would have missed it.

We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes, enjoying the others touch. He was way lighter than what I was expecting and his body gave off a comforting amount of heat. He began to loosen his grip, slowly getting off of me. "Time for food?"

Once he was off, he spoke, looking up at me. "As long as you don't say shit to anyone else, we can make something with a shit ton of meat in it."

"Sounds perfect to me." My dopey smile returned, watching him start to get the stuff needed to make the food. I walked over to the island, sitting on one of the stools. "Do you nee- "

"Nope, just sit there and look pretty."

"Sir, yes, sir." After that I just watched his movements, never taking my eyes off of him. He was flawless in his motions, never hesitating for a second. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he owned a restaurant. He seemed so at piece when cooking, he had a calm look on his face, like when he was sleeping.

"Are you going to keep staring or are you going to eat the fucking food." I didn't even realize he was done. I really need to focus more when he's here, staying out of my thoughts will definitely help.

"Right, yeah. It smells so freaking delicious."

"Did you just say freaking?"

"So, what if I did."

"God you're like a child." We both had a small laugh, continuing to eat and talk.   

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