Chapter 5- The After Show

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(1407 words)

Me and Mina were the last people in line, there was only about 25 people. Most people hated that it was so limited, but considering they just did a 4-hour concert, I don't think anyone wants to stay after much longer.

As we were waiting in line, we both started to fix up our makeup, as well as making sure we looked presentable. We got permission to review their outfits and their looks. Which was super nerve racking to me because that means I have to be a tiny bit closer to get a good look. Mina and I agreed that she would do the outfits and I would do the makeup while we both did the hair.

We were in line for a good 40-ish minuets, which gave us plenty of time to make sure we looked and smelled okay.

Once we Made it to the front Mina went first, obviously. They were all sitting down, the photos you could take was a short walk to the left. So, they were sitting down and I just see all of their faces become surprised. They didn't know who was coming, they only knew that two pretty famous YouTubers were going to see them.

Chargebolt jumps up and then straight up hugs Mina, "Oh my god! I'm hugging Pinky!" He yelled causing Ground-Zero to groan and the rest of the band to laugh slightly. He looked to me and his eyes widened even more. "Bro! I have seen so many of your videos, I've just got to say your fucking amazing!" He let go of mina and then brought me into a hug. I was just a little bit taller than him so I decided to lift him up.

"Your getting a Kiri hug!" Mina spoke out laughing. We all had smiles as we talked, it was like we have known each other for years. The only one without a smile was Ground-Zero.

"Are we going to get this fucking review over with or what?" He spoke up from us talking.

"Dude, you have got to chill. We're trying to have a little fun; I know you've been stressed lately. So, just relax." Chargebolt spoke to Ground-Zero trying to make him a little calmer.

"I mean, I can start to judge the makeup. It doesn't take long." I wanted to make sure everyone was happy. They all agreed and I started with Headphone Jack. I got pretty close, asking if it was okay first. It looked pretty cool, she was wearing eyeliner that, instead of a wing, a sound wave was placed. Purple eyeshadow made the wing, making up for the eyeliner. "Did you do this yourself?"

"No, but I did come up with the idea." She had a soft smile across her face. The rest of her makeup was barely noticeable, there was just enough to bring out the rest of her features.

"Well, it looks awesome. Whoever did it, tell them that they are really talented." She snickered a little bit, causing me to laugh as well. They were all talking as I continued to look at the makeup styles.

Next was Cellophane, His look was a faded eyeshadow look. Eyeliner was around his entire eye, making his eyes pop. The colors were dark blue, faded into a sea blue, faded into a white. The colors sparkled, adding a glistening look to his eyes. He was only wearing mascara, making his eyelashes darker, they were long enough. "How are your eyelashes that good looking," I let out a chuckle, "I wish mine were like this."

He took a second to respond, "Oh, thank you. So, does that mean I look good?" his voice was light and pleasant.

"Oh yeah, did the same person that did Headphone Jack's do yours?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"The style for the eyeliner is the same." He looked amazed at my answer, which anyone would be. I was able to tell who did some one's makeup just by the eyeliner.

I moved to Chargebolt who looked excited to show off his look, he eagerly moved towards me. "My turn, my turn." I giggled a little moving so I could get a better look.

When I looked closer, it was a look from one of my videos. "Wow, that's the look I made." I was honestly amazed that he chose this look.

The end of the eyeliner formed to make a lightning bolt, yellow eyeshadow made a wing, making up for the eyeliner like Headphone Jack's look. He was wearing fake lashes, but they weren't that long. A lighter yellow was towards the inside of the eye, fading into the wing. "Wait, this was your look? I thought it was familiar." The only difference was the color of the wing.

"Well I think it looks amazing on you. And the person that did you guys make up, really needs to be appreciated, they are amazing at it." He had a sly look on his face and I was unsure of why, I just moved to the final person, Ground-Zero.

I was honestly the most nervous right now, I mean, I had to go up to my crush, and make sure I don't make a fool of myself. He didn't seem to be paying attention to anything that has happened, just either looking at his phone or out into space. "Alright, are you ready?" I asked, trying not to studder.

"Just get this the fuck over with." He grumbled, looking away. I moved closer to get a good look, this was also one of my looks.

"Y-Your wearing one of my looks." I was shocked that he would wear one of my looks. I mean sure he did it once before, but I thought that was a one-time thing. It was an explosion look. The end of the eyeliner was connected to an orange explosion. In the middle was a little bit of yellow, blending into the orange perfectly. Yellow eyeshadow was put into a wing, orange was to the inside of the eyes, fading towards the tip. His eyes were a fiery red much like my own but his were slightly darker, not by much, but it was there.

"Is that a problem?" He shot back at me. He has yet to meet my eyes which I found kind of odd.

"What? No, of course not. I was just surprised that you would wear it."

"How come? I've worn it before." He finally looked into my eyes; I have not moved from my previous spot.

"I-I thought it was just a one-time thing." I was completely honest with him, having no need to lie.

"Well it isn't so, how does it look?" I took another look, moving away from him slightly.

His makeup was done by the same person as the others, but it looked only slightly different, like the angle of application was changed. "Um, yeah. The eyeliner looks flawless and the explosions have a beautiful blend. Don't even get me started on the wing. Whoever did your makeup definitely knows what they are doing." Enthusiasm was in my voice and a smile was plastered on my face.

"Thanks. I try my best." I could tell he had a smirk on his face, it showed in his eyes, and I was taken back.

"You mean? You're the one? Those were?" I was at a lost for words. I can't believe this man was so good at it, probably better than me if I'm being honest.

"Hell yeah. I'm still working on them, but I'm pretty fucking great."

"Dude, your amazing at it. You know the perfect amount of makeup for each person." I was gushing about his talent; it took me a while to be able to do that perfectly.

"The fuck? You're the one that is amazing at.  it, you don't even try when you do the eyeliner, it took me like 8 fucking tries to get ours right." He scoffed and I giggled. I could tell my face was slightly red from the complement given.

After a few more minuets of talking, we decided it was time to take photos. Mina judged them one by one, they all took separate photos first. After that passed, we took a group picture. The first one was serious, just us smiling. Then we took funny photos. I was stood by Ground-Zero most of the time, the blush never leaving my face.

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