Chapter 11- Live Stream

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(1580 words)

'I can't believe I missed my fucking opportunity to kiss him. It was right in my fucking face.' I have been trying so hard to make tiny moves on him, hoping he gets the hint and last time we were so close to kissing. If I was just I little bit earlier, it would have happened.

"I hope she cleaned out the studio." Shitty hair brought me out of my thoughts.

"Let me guess, clothes were everywhere." I lifted a brow, parking my car next to his.

"Yup! And some makeup brushes. I'm pretty sure food was also in that room." He finished off with another one of his beautiful laughs.

We exited the car, him leading me back to his apartment. Once in I noticed that the room seemed a tiny bit cleaner, but clothes still decorated the floor. He then led me further in the apartment, bringing me to a room that had its windows blocked. "I'm guessing this is the studio I've heard, oh so much about."

"The one and only." He opened the door, allowing for me to enter first.

The first thing you could hear was laughter as you entered the room. It was quit loud so I'm guessing the studio was sound proof. We walked further in, past a mini fridge and a sink, making our way to the main room. When we entered, they didn't notice us so Shitty hair decided to scare them.

He walked up behind Headphones and then "Boo!" She jumped so high. We all went into a fit of laughter, me just doing a silent one. She was not pleased that she was the one he chose, hitting him slightly on the shoulder as payback.

"What the fuck! Why did you choose me?"

"You were the easiest to get too."

She huffed a response, me finally getting in front of the camera with the rest of the extras. They had already started the live, me and Shitty hair made the comments go crazy. They were saying things about why we were both late, some comments making me blush others making me confused like, 'KiriBaku for the win!' or 'PopRocks is my new otp!' Like, what the hell is an otp?

Anyway, we started doing the live. Getting questions and dares, while Pinky and Shitty hair did our makeup. "Do I have to do this?"

"Come on Todoroki, it can't be that bad!"

"Yeah bro, your going to do great!"

Right now, we were waiting for Todoroki to come back in so he can show off the outfit Eye bags choose for him. He was dared to do a runway walk with an outfit the person to his left chose. When they finally got him inside, he did the worst walk, showing off the outfit. Of course, Deku was fucking blushing at the look he was wearing. I don't know why he didn't just ask the fucker out already; their pinning is so fucking disgusting.

"Oh yeah! You go Todo!" Deku is so fucking obvious.

A few dares later and I finally got a question or I guess a truth. "The fuck? What type of fucking question is that? Of course I'm gay. Anyone who has ever fucking seen me, knows that I'm gay." Guess they weren't a real fan.

I was an open gay; all of my fans should know that I'm gay considering I outed myself in one of my first videos. It was by complete accident, but I didn't give two fucks. "Yay! Our gay son has finally come out to all of our fans."

"I'm so proud of him." Round face finished off Racoon eyes comment. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with them.

"I'm older than both of you fuckers. How am I the son?"

They didn't answer with words, they just gave me a look and then continued with the makeup. Some more time passed and it was my turn to get my makeup done. Shitty hair was the one that was doing my makeup, so I'm going to act like I'm not enjoying being this close to him. Only he is allowed to see my soft side, not the rest of the fuckers. "Kiri! Look, look at the dare you just got!" Round face was way too happy.

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