Epilogue~ Fuck Yeah

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(1200 words)

It's been a few years since me and shitty hair got together. My band has slowly stopped doing concerts, allowing me more time with my handsome boyfriend. Right now, he is asleep as I play with his hair. Tonight, was date night and I'm going to take him to the first place we went on a date, I was going to propose to him.

We have been talking about getting a child, but I think he was mostly joking, I wasn't. Hopefully he says yes to marrying me, then we can have an actual conversation about adopting a child.

We moved in together about a year ago, its been pretty okay. We fight every so often, but that just means we have a healthy relationship or at least I think that what that fucking means. He's definitely more organized than I thought he was, but he still sucks at cooking. I try to teach him, but he just gives up halfway through and watches me finish.

He started to stir in his sleep, me loosening my grip so he can move a little more. I was laying on his chest, but my arms were wrapped around his waist. I looked up at his beautiful face, seeing his crimson eyes flutter open. He yawned a little, looking down at me with a soft smile, "Mornin' baby."

Damn, I will never get used to that sexy ass morning voice. It makes me want to dick him down right here. "Good morning sexy." He flushed pink, still not used to me complimenting him.

He began to get up so I tightened my grip, not wanting for his warmth to escape. "Baby, we need to eat breakfast."


"Because we have too. If you don't get up, I will cook breakfast by myself."

After that I got up, not trusting him with anything in the kitchen. He once caught noodles on fire because he forgot to put water in the cup before sticking it into the microwave. "I already told you that your banned from the fucking kitchen."

I left the room after that, only a pair of boxers on as I entered the kitchen. I began to make breakfast as he got ready for the day, knowing he would have to clean the dishes later I decided to make a pretty big breakfast.

As the day went on, I was getting more, and more nervous for the date. I wanted everything to be perfect when I propose to him. Mina and Ochako were helping set up the area. Them, along with the rest of the squads, were going to be watching the date from the woods. I protested this, but they never fucking listen to me. "-so that's why they are confused."

"Fuck, I wasn't listening. Sorry baby, I spaced out."

He just rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his face, "Why do I even try to explain this to you?" He had a soft chuckle in his voice, "Oh, it's almost time for date night!" He was always the most excited about this.

"Then we better get ready." After that I allowed him to enter the room first, waiting for him to finish. I would have joined him, but I have to mentally prepare myself for later. I really want this to be perfect, if I fuck it up, then he will say no, I can't let that fucking happen.

Once we were both ready, we got in my car, me driving to the spot. We listened to music and talked, like fucking usual. The ring was in my pocket, I was resisting the urge to play with it.

When we arrived at the park, he was slightly confused, I just looked at him with a smirk, "Give me your hand and close your eyes."

He hesitated, "Are you going to kill me?" Oh, how the turntables.

"And I thought I was being fucking slick about it." Playfulness was clear in my voice.

"Promise not to kill me?"

"Pinky promise." He intwined his pinky with mine, then gave me his hand so I could hold it.

I began to lead him into the woods, making sure he didn't hit anything. When we arrived, I stopped in front of him, making him bump into me. I place my hand over his eyes, letting him know not to open them yet. "Stay here, eyes closed, be back in two fucking minuets."

"I swear if you have someone else kill me, I will find a way to haunt you."

"I wouldn't let anyone else get the honor of killing you." I moved to stand in front of him, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Your safe, I swear." I took my hands off of him and made my way a little further into the spot.

The lights were already strung up, I just turned them on. I grabbed the picnic basket from fucking Deku, rip off Pikachu lighting the candles. I set up the rest of the details, moving back to Kiri. "You can open your eyes now." I knew standing in front of him wouldn't stop him from seeing it like he did to me, but I had to try.

"Babe, even on your tippy toes I can still see over you." He had a small, kind smile as he spoke. I huffed in frustration, going back to being flat footed.

"You could at least fucking pretend." I grumbled, moving to the spot, his hand in mine. I could tell in his eyes that he was amazed by the decorates placed all around, and that made my nerves calm down slightly.

We continued with the date like normal, me playing with the box in my pocket every so often. When the sun was almost gone, Half and Half bastard made a loud noise to draw Kiri's attention away from me. When he wasn't looking, I moved to be on one knee, ring in hand, as I waited for him to look at me again.

He got up, about to go towards the noise, when he glanced at me. He was about to continue walking, but I guess it processed in his brain what I was doing. He turned back around slowly; his eyes slightly wide, "Kirishima Ejirou, these past years have been fucking amazing. I loved every second with you and hated every second away from you. We may have fought, but we always pulled through. So, with this ring, as ask you to be my husband. Kirishima, will you marry me?"

I honestly think I broke him; he didn't move, he didn't talk. His hand was over his mouth as small tears ran from his eyes. I was just staying on one knee as the minuets continued to go up, sweat forming on my forehead. "Say something you idiot!" Mina shouted from the trees, shaking Shitty hair from his thoughts.

"Y-Yes. Yes! A thousand times yes!" His smile grew as he moved closer to me, me standing up in the process. He embraced me in a hug, kissing me softly. Once we separated, I put the ring on his finger, claiming him as my new fiancé.

The squads erupted in cheers, all running out of the forest to bring us into a group hug. I scowled while Shitty hair had the biggest smile on his face. I was actually happy that the fucking idiots were here, they made this experience slightly better, only slightly though, can't give those fuckers too much credit.

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