Chapter 2- What a Small World

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"Hurry your ass up! Where going to be late!!!" I awoke to Mina yelling in my ear. I shot up, giving her a glare.

"Late to what?" it came out groggily, sleep still present.

"Bitch, how could you forget!? Coffee shop, friends, work?" She was shaking me, trying to wake me up faster.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." I chuckled slightly. She let go and left my room, leaving me to get dressed.

I worked at a coffee shop that was maybe 3 miles from my home? I did YouTube for most of my money, but the coffee shop also helps. Me, Mina, Shinsou, and Sero liked to hang out at my job. My boss finally gave up on trying to stop us, considering we never listened in the first place.

When I finished getting dressed, I walked to the kitchen, being greeted by a piece of toast flying at me. I caught it in my mouth like the savage I am. Mina gave me a thumbs up and we left the apartment I call home.

We took Mina's car, a pink jeep. It only had two doors and the top was currently off. I never minded being in her car, it was actually pretty cool. After singing about 5 different songs, we arrived at my job. Mina worked at a makeup shop across the street, but it was having renovations so she was off for now.

We were both makeup artist, but not too many people in our town need them. Sometimes we leave, but its only on special occasions. Mina was also a Fashion guru, which means so judges people on their outfits, as well as show them what works best for them. We both loved our jobs; we wouldn't trade them for the world.

As we entered, I heard the familiar chime of the bell, alerting everyone of our arrival. I went to the back to get my apron as Mina went to our booth. We all sat in the exact booth every time. For some reason it was always open and we were thankful for that.

I made Mina her usual, taking it over to her before returning to the register. I was pretty much always either on register duty or waiter duty. I didn't mind it since I was a pretty social person. Sure, sometimes I'm awkward, but who isn't?

After about 10 customers passed, Shinsou was finally here. "Welcome to the U.A Café, only the most elite people can order. Are you worthy enough?" I had a huge smile on my face, seeing the sleep deprived man in front of me.

He looked at me with dead eyes, a teeny tug at his lips, indicating a smile. "I May not be worthy to some, but I assure you that I will not stop until my order is made." We did things like this every time he came, it was like a game to us. His smile grew I tiny bit more, mine was pretty much as big as it can get.

I put a hand to my heart, "You have my full trust, your order shall be brought to you shortly my lord." I bowed a little at the end, a chuckle slipping through my mouth.

He rolled his eyes, a pleased look on his face as he made his way to our booth. The man behind him finally able to order after the small interaction. He had a scowl on his face. 'Someone needs coffee' My face didn't change as I thought that, considering that id it did I would have laughed.

A few more customers came and went until finally Sero came through the doors. "It's Wednesday my dudes!" I called as soon as he entered.

"Hyugggggggggg" He replied, a smile wide on his face. We did our handshake and then he made his way to the table. I had memorized all of our orders. We never changed them so it was easy. Once my shift was over, I made my way to the table. Once I sat down Sero spoke up once more, "Are you guys going to the Baku-Squad concert?"

Before I could answer Mina piped up, answering for the both of us. "What question is that?" Mina had a playful look in her eyes and I knew I was about to get embarrassed, "As soon as he saw the notification, he squealed, and then as soon as he could he bought front row tickets, making sure to get the tickets for after the show. He was giddy all night." She smirked at me. I just gave her a glare, mad that she just exposed me like that.

"Damn, you just got exposed bro." Shinsou spoke up from his spot in the booth.

By now I could tell that I was red from embarrassment. I sat back in the booth wanting nothing more than to disappear.

We all talked for a while longer before we went our separate ways. Mina was on her phone as we walked to the car, a comfortable silence between the both of us. She only got off her phone when we entered the car, making sure she was focused on the road.

We went back to our home, her going to her room to make a video and me going into the studio to make mine. I was going to do an electric, type, style. I haven't done one yet and I feel like it would be fun and challenging. Most YouTubers practice before making a video, but I just wing it. If it ends up bad, I just don't post the video and try again. This video would probably be about an hour long and that's taking away the bloopers. Time to get started.

~Pov switch~

My morning was shitty as usual. Fucking tape face, went to some stupid café to see his friends so I was stuck with dumb ass number one. "Bakubro! Look!" Pika bitch yelled from the door way.

I turned to him, my scowl only growing when I see what he's wearing. It's a Pikachu onesie with a backpack and stuffy that matches. He also had a Pikachu hat to mach. If I was being honest it didn't look that bad, but I wasn't going to tell him that. "You look stupid." After that I went back to working on the outfits and makeup that will be used for the concert.

"Thanks bro!!" He was way to happy for no reason.

He finally left to do some dumb shit like usual. A few minuets later and soy sauce returned from his hangout. "Bros! and broet?! I have some news!" Once he said that the human Pikachu entered the room. "Bro, I'm loving the outfit."

"Awe, bro! that's the nicest compliment so far!" Pika pika said giving the taller male a hug.

A few minuets later and headphones entered the room, "You can just call me bro, I get the idea." After that she just sat down on the couch. Right now, we were in the, what we call, planning room. Any ideas we had would be written down and then pinned to the wall. We make most of our decisions here as well as other things.

They started talking amongst themselves, I wouldn't have a problem usually, but I was trying to focus. "Can you just tell us the fucking news so you bastards can leave?!!?" I yelled a tape face making him speed up his process.

"Okay, well, I just found out that two pretty famous YouTubers will be at our concert." His smile was pretty big, a look of accomplishment in his eyes.

"So?" I was confused as to why I would care about that.

"Soooo, that means we have to make sure look our best after the show! They are going to be coming up to us after the show, they have the passes. And before you say anything else bakuhoe," I growled at that, my scowl deepening, "They are going to be giving us reviews about our outfits and makeup." He finished off, an enthusiastic look on bis face as he looked at all of us.

"I always look good, it's you three that need the most help." Headphones spoke up. She looked up from her phone, focusing mostly on Pikachu.

I snickered a bit, knowing that, in all honestly, she wasn't wrong. "My outfits aren't that bad." Pikachu whined, soy sauce taking him out of the room.

Jirou stayed, too focused on her phone to move. So, I went back to what I was working on before they disturbed me.

After a few hours of asking Jirou what she thought and figuring out the makeup I was finally satisfied with how our set up looked. It was so close to being done, but I was still missing one makeup look for Pikachu. I was thinking about what to do when my computer and phone dinged. I went to go check my phone,

Red Riot has uploaded a new video: Electricit...

I clicked on the video, my mood visibly getting better. Jirou left a few minutes ago so I was alone. I was watching the video and it was exactly what I needed for the final look. I wrote down the video, finishing it and then moving back to my room. I was honestly curious as to who the YouTubers could be and why their opinions mattered so much.

Instead of thinking about it too much, I started to edit the video I made yesterday. It was going to take longer than usual because the idiots were in this video more than most of the other ones. 

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