His Return/ 8 years

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A.N (Overhaul is older in this AU. Like two years older than Inko.)

Yagi household
8 years ago

Today was a celebration. Inko had just reached the No.5 spot as a heroine and she couldn't be happier. Her and her husband, Toshinori Yagi (aka All Might) had invited there friends over to celebrate. The adults were talking and drinking, the teens were being teens and also drinking and the kids were playing in a separate room. Well almost all the kids.

"Hey Inko, shouldn't Izuku be here now?" Toshinori asked.

Most of the conversations had stopped at that question. They adults had now just realized that their cinnamon roll hadn't shown up from school yet. Izuku and her friends said she stayed after school to their teacher but school finished two hours ago.

Inko reached for her phone preparing to call her daughter when something caught her attention.

"She left a voicemail, why?"

At this point all conversations stopped. Everyone knew and cared for Izuku. Her hero obsession and her muttering had pierced the hearts of anybody she met. So when they realized that she hasn't come home yet, they all stopped conversations wanting to hear the voicemail.

The innocent 9 year old voice of Izumi started speaking.
"Hey mom, dad picked me up from school so I'm going to his house. He's even going to help me with my quirk. I'll call you when I get there."

When the message stopped playing mostly everybody was left confused. Yagi was with them, so how could Izumi's dad pick her up. However for a certain few they knew the truth. Nezu, Recovery girl and the Bakugos knew that All Might wasn't Izuku's birth father. Inko (for plot purposes) had forgotten all about Kai. He simply went towards the dark side and disappeared. Though whenever Inko saw him in public she couldn't help but feel that she knew him somehow.

The silence in the room was broken though when Inko's phone rang. After reading the caller's name Inko quickly answered.

"IZUKU YAGI WHERE ARE YOU" Inko yelled into the phone.

"I told you I'm at dad's house" a nervous Izuku replied, not used to her mom yelling.

"Young lady this is not funny. Tell us where you are this instant."

"Here I put him on the phone." An annoyed Izuku said.

After a little bit a shuffling from the other line a voice finally spoke.

"Hello" Kai said though nobody recognized his voice.

"Who are you and where is my daughter" A very angry Inko spoke.

"My dear Inko, you really don't remember me." Kai said taking sadness."Do you need a picture to remind you".

Then a notification appeared on the phone. Hesitantly Inko clicked the notification. No one spoke as Inko gazed over the picture. Suddenly all the memories came back to Inko. Her and Kai in the hospital for Izuku's birth, Izuku going to the quirk doctor and everything else in between. The first 4 years of Izuku's life Kai was there and she forgot him.

 The first 4 years of Izuku's life Kai was there and she forgot him

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Inko dropped the phone and ran out the room, on the verge of crying. Noticing that the call was still going All Might picked up the phone and ushered one final message.

"I don't know who you are but I will find you, and you will be brought to justice."

And with that All Might went to comfort his wife. Slowly almost everybody left the house with one goal in mind, find Izuku. The only ones left remaining were Nezu, Recovery Girl, Endeavor, Rei, the Bakugos and Gran Torino.

(A.N Enji and Rei have a good relationship. Shoto got his scar in an accident. Touya doesn't exist. So no Dabi)

As the Todorokis and Bakugos were leaving the adults gave a message to the kids.

"If you see Izuku at school tomorrow call us."

The children nodded, understanding the situation due to them eavesdropping. Unfortunately Izuku didn't come to school the next day or the day after that. Izuku was officially reported as missing 5 days later. But she was never found, at least that was the case.

Overhaul's house
Present time
(A.N. I'm changing the hero's that were at the raid. So any hero named was at the raid. The Yakuza was a lot stronger here than in the anime.)

The rescue was finally over. Miriko, Hawks and Endeavor had just beaten Overhaul, Eri was safe and the Yakuza were being transported. But down the road two figures were walking up to the scene.
"Are you sure that you should be skipping school." A tall green and brown haired girl asks, her voice muffled through her beak mask.

"You worry to much babe, It's not like I'd get expelled." The blond haired girl responded while on her phone.

The two girls had just went shopping at the nearby mall. They were going to leave the bags at beak mask's house but the sirens caused them to look up.

"Damn it dad" the girl with the mask cursed.

Not only was the house destroyed but an unconscious Kai was being escorted into a police van, his entire body covered. A laughing Eri was being comforted by Ms.Joke and Erasurehead. Pro heroes talking. The masked girl was getting ready to turn back until the voice of Eri stopped every conversation.

"Zuzu, Camie!" Eri's voice called ringing with happiness.

'Damn it' Zuzu slowly turned back to the crime scene. Every person there was staring at her. It didn't help that she looked exactly like her father though her hair was different.

Knowing what was coming Izuku took of her gloves, mask, jacket and sandals. Most people present were confused on why she took off her foot wear. But they snapped out of it once they saw her approach. She stopped about 15 meters away from the heroes and took an odd stance.

Miriko, Hawks and Endeavor instantly prepared for a fight. Most of the other heroes formed a barrier around Eri. The U.A students present(Kiri, Tsu, Uraraka, both Todoroki's, Katsumi and Izumi) just watched, too tired to attempt anything. Eri and the blond haired girl, who understood the stance Izuku was taking smiled.

At the same time they spoke surprising the heroes.
"Ready, set, GO!" They shouted as Izuku charged the heroes who prepared for a fight. What they didn't expect was her speed. She completely passed Miriko and soon sped past Endeavor and Hawks. They also didn't expect her to run into the remains of the house that held the previous battles.

As soon as Izuku entered the rubble it started dissapearing. As she touch rubble they exploded into clouds of dust, reminding the pros of the fight that just took place with overhaul. But before they could put two and two together Izuku called out to them.

"Have fun" She said, leaving the crime scene. They all stood there confused on the situation until a tired Nighteye spoke.

"Go after her" he ordered.

Snapping out of their confusion Miriko and Hawks went after her.

The heroes who were surrounding Eri turned and noticed that she was talking to the blond haired girl from earlier. The blood haired girl was about to leave but a familiar voice made her stop.

"Camie is that you?" Ms.Joke asked.

'Damn it' Camie thought.

And the chase begins. Let's see how long Izuku will play with the heroes.

A.N. I've had this idea for a while so I wanted to write it before I forget about it. A new Bad Time Heroes Chapter should come out over the weekend. I might get bored a make two chapters but I most likely won't. I just wanna see how this story would do, like a side project. Feedback is welcome.

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