Spy Kids.

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Cleo's POV.

I had gotten dressed in all black, classic spy looking apparel. I wanted to be discreet but effective. Billie's house had huge windows, if I could get the right pictures and maybe even audio recording if I could get inside, I would be golden. Fuck Miranda. She can hold my coffee.

I texted my brother where I was going, ignored a message from Jeremy about how horny he was and turned my phone off. I parked my car at the entrance of the prestigious neighborhood Billie lived in. It was a gate kept community, but my brother had found the way that the lawnmowers get in and the password to that keypad. Gotta love the dark web.

I punched the code in and walked through the gate like I had mowed lawns my entire life. Billie's house was at the top of the hill and I was going to go in through the backyard, over her fence, by climbing her tree. Not the best idea, but the most practical due to her security system.

I got to her fence and scaled up the tree pretty easily. The house was now in view and looked completely dark. Maybe she didn't have security at all? I kept looking in the big bay windows of the back of the house as I attempted to slide down the tree trunk. Suddenly I saw Billie come sit down on the couch in front of the bay window and I got excited, already reaching for my camera.

I looked through the lens and saw her staring directly at me with a horrified expression on her face. It startled me so much that I fell out of the tree and everything went black after that.

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