Trial Run.

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Billie's POV.

I can't believe I was doing this shit. I needed to stop thinking with my dick (okay, well my strap).

"I need you to put together some sort of a BDSM contractual agreement, with a privacy clause in it, of course," I said flatly to my lawyer.

He had been a family friend for years and knew my lifestyle choices. He didn't seem surprised at all, his face remained emotionally unchanged as he responded,

"With the usual contents?"

Howard gave me the look from across the kitchen. He always thought my sex life was extreme, which it was. That's why I had contracts in place. I ignored Howard and responded to my attorney,

"Yes, for now. But don't finalize it yet. I need to see what her comfort level is first."

He nodded and I left the kitchen area to talk to Cleo.

I knocked twice before entering. I had given her phone back and she was texting her brother that she was fine. I had downloaded her iMessage login into my phone so I knew what she was sending and receiving. After all, she hadn't signed a contract yet.

She looked up from her phone and gave me a smile,

"Is he writing it? What's in it? Can I see yet?"

I put my hand up to slow down her questions and then sat down beside her on the bed. I played with her soft hair and admired her perfectly white teeth while I started to explain,

"Cleo...if you don't want this now is the time to back out. This contract is a BDSM contract."

Cleo stared at me attentively with big green eyes. She looked like a student eager to learn, and that shit was sexy.

I continued, "I like rough stuff. I like pain. I like sexual pleasure combined with pain. I'm the dominant one. You'd be expected to be submissive. We can start slow. What do you think? What are your concerns?" I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles.

She bit her bottom lip before responding,

"So I would live here?"

I nodded,

"I will take care of your job for you. And I'll get rid of that asshole and you can live here."

She nodded and gave a small smile when I called her "boyfriend" an asshole.

"So would I be your girlfriend?"

I sighed. I hated when girls assumed dom/sub relationships were equivalent to dating. Sex is sex. But Cleo was new to this lifestyle.

"Not necessarily. Sex and love are different to me. But I do like you."

Cleo looked disappointed.

"I want a trial run."

Cleo gave me a serious look and brushed her messy bedhead hair out of her face and off of her shoulders,

"At least show me what regular sex is like with you. Or with a girl in general. I've only been with men so far."

I nodded. That seemed fair.

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