Face Mask.

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Billie's POV.

I watched Cleo in the shower. My shower door was all glass and see through. I could see herself hesitating at first but then she finally relaxed and washed her hair the way I imagined she would at home, in her own shower.

I loved her body. I didn't want to tell her that yet, but she was cute. She had nice hips that I wanted to have straddled over me and cute perky boobs. It was a shame she ever tried to cover those up. I noticed she had a Brazilian wax done. It looked like a wax anyway. Did she do that for Jeremy?

Cleo interrupted my thoughts,

"Can I use this?"

She held out this overpriced face mask that my manager had sent me.


She squealed with excitement and began to apply it. Okay. That was kind of cute. I always liked when girls were really feminine because I wasn't. I was always more attracted to girly girls.

I forgot what it's like to not have money for nice things like that. Mental note to self - appreciate my possessions more. My possessions just came with a lot of baggage.

Cleo opened the shower door half way and had her arms out in front of her like a zombie. I had been daydreaming again. I was so bad for that.

"Billie??? I got this face mask in my eyes it burns so fucking bad!"

I grabbed a towel and started wiping her face off, I manually opened her eyes with my hand,

"Damn they are red, can you open them now?"

She opened them halfway and then closed them again,

"I'm going to give them a break until it stops stinging," she giggled, "but I do appreciate you letting me use this expensive face mask. My bitchy boss uses this. I could never afford it. I've been broke as fuck ever since I graduated college and had all this student loan debt and a shitty job..." she sighed.

I knew all about it. I had gone through her bank account. Overdrawn. I read through her texts with Jeremy which were half - begging him to pay his portion of the rent. I hate men.

Cleo started to tear up and sniffle, I assumed it was from her eyes until she reached out for me. She was soaking wet and I still had my clothes on but I didn't really care. She needed a friend right now. And I love being needed.

"I'm so sorry—I keep getting you all wet," Cleo said with slanted barely open eyes, "I just am really stressed out. This story on you was my last realistic hope of getting a better job and look how that went," She half laughed, half cried.

I kissed her forehead and she opened her eyes completely. They were a lot less red now. She looked confused. Then I look my clothes off and stepped into the shower with her.

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