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Cleo's POV.

I stood in the see through shower completely naked, digesting my sexual awakening. I don't know if I'm gay, but I know I would have sex with Billie. I know there's other sexualities but I was raised in a strict catholic family and it really wasn't discussed. I still don't know the rules, but I wanted to learn.

I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn't hear Billie until she had repeated herself a few times,


I glanced at her eyes. They were icy again. She held out a large fuzzy bath robe.

"Here, I found this for you to wear. Sorry I left you in here so long, I couldn't find it."

I wish she hadn't left me in here so long too. I grabbed the bath robe and Billie turned to walk towards the exit to the bathroom.

Instead of leaving, Billie turned back towards me,

"What's on your mind?"

"What?" I played dumb.

Billie let out a deep sigh and ruffled her half dried hair. It was a nervous thing she did, a habit, but it was so cute. I liked how she did it with me.

"You seem to be...deep in thought. Are you okay? Do you want to talk to me some more?"

I nodded slowly. Maybe it was best to go to someone that was gay about this.

"How did you know you were gay?" I asked. Billie squinted her eyes in response and then gave me a sly smirk.

"Why do you ask, miss journalist?"

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