Are You Gay?

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Cleo's POV.

"Keep me for awhile? What the fuck does that mean?" I began to pull at the restraints like a mad woman. Now that the lights were on I could see them and unfortunately they were leather. There's no way in hell I was going to break out of those bitches.

Billie nodded nonchalantly, completely unphased by how dramatic I was being.

"Why do you want to know if I'm gay so badly? Are you gay?"

I gave her a puzzled expression and quickly shook my head no,

"I wanted to write a good story on it. I'm straight. Jeremy is my boyfriend," I explained. Why was I explaining anything to her?

"Jeremy is a fucking douche," Billie said sourly, "for're in timeout for trespassing on my property. You need some alone time, but I'm not cruel. I'll leave the light on for you,"

Billie leaned down and kissed my forehead mockingly, I tried to spit on her as she pulled away,

"I have to piss," I shouted as she walked out.

Billie shrugged and said,

"Hold it."

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