Afraid of the Dark.

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Cleo's POV.

I don't know how long I was out but I finally opened my eyes and immediately tried to move. I was in a pitch black room, wherever I was. I hated the dark.

What was even scarier is, I couldn't move. I was in 4 point restraints. So I screamed instead,


Now I remember seeing people in horror movies do this in similar situations, and wonder why? Why would you yell for help when whatever had put you there could probably hear you? It's different when it's actually happening to you. And when you've slept with a night light for 22 years of your life.

The door burst open and there she was - Billie Eilish herself and a butler beside her. Her arms were crossed and she scowled as she flicked the light switch on,

"Jesus woman, you probably have a concussion. You should have the lights off and be quiet," she reached down and wiped the running tear off of my cheek.

"You came to my house. Why are you this upset?"

I nodded my head towards the restraints and then mumbled about me being afraid of the dark.

Billie gave me a half smile and then pulled my wallet out of her oversized short pocket,

"Miss Cleo Thomas, age 22 is afraid of the dark? My goodness!"

She went through my things? What else does she know?

"Did you call the police? Where is my phone?"

"Oh this phone?" Billie pointed at the butler as he held my phone up. Oh fuck. I have fingerprint ID.

"Your brother knows that you got home safe and whoever Jeremy is...he needs to lay off the dick pics, shit is gross" Billie dramatized a shudder.

"But I'm not home safe..." I said.

"I'm going to keep you here for awhile," Billie said nonchalantly and shrugged, "Right Howard?"

Howard, the butler, nodded.

And I knew I had fucked up.

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