TW: girl on girl SMUT (Part 1)

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Cleo's POV.

Billie gave me this wicked grin but I stood my ground. I wanted to see cocky and confident and unimpressed with her sex experience. Underneath this mask, I was scared as hell. Sex with men was never enjoyable. Maybe I was the problem this whole time?

I tried to realign my thoughts.

"Put this on and I'll give you a preview, babygirl."

Billie threw some white see through lace lingerie at me and walked out of the room,

"I'll be back in ready."

I stood up and ripped the fuzzy robe off of my body. I felt my nipples harden and was I? I was already wet...from thinking about dressing up for her. How ridiculous.

I pulled on the barely there g string that had jewels going up my ass and the see through triangle bra that matched. I wondered who she had bought this for. I walked slowly over to the body mirror in the corner of the room and peeked at myself.

I hated my body. I always had. I wanted to be curvy and womanly but I was petite and had smaller assets.

I thought back to one of my first boyfriends in high school that felt me up while we made out. I didn't necessarily like men but I always liked my boobs being touched so  I was thrilled. I thought it had gone well until after we had finished...and he told me he "thought there would be more to grab". I fucking hate men.

With that thought I turned around to admire my ass with jewels accenting it, my ass has always been my best feature. As I twisted my body to look in the mirror, Billie walked in but remained silent.  She just stood adjacent from me and stared.

I was expecting a compliment or one of her wise ass remarks but instead she said,

"Get on your knees."

"What?" I started to question her before she wrapped my hair around her fist and pulled me to the ground.

"I'm giving you a preview now Cleo, don't you want to taste the real thing?"

I supposed she was right. I needed to know what BDSM was actually like if I was going to sign a contract for it. I gave a slow head nod.

"Safe word is always red. If you say red I will immediately stop what I'm doing and release you from any restraints," Billie instructed me. She held my chin up so I was making eye contact with her.

"Understood Cleo?"

I realized I had never answered.


Billie pulled me back up to standing position by my hair and put her lips right next to my earlobe. It tickled in the best way possible,

"That's yes ma'am for now on."

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