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Cleo's POV.

Billie joked with me about being a journalist so much that I felt like maybe it wasn't a joke. She probably didn't trust me, even though we had seen each other naked and I cried in her arms. After all, I had been in a tree in her backyard photographing her when she met me.

Even though Billie didn't trust me, I did trust her. She was one of the realest people that I had met in my entire life. I was shocked, because most celebrities were monsters behind the scenes. But her vibe was authentic, she said things how she meant them. I had a crush on her already.

I thought back to my best friend in high school, Molly. We used to fight all the time because I was jealous that she had other best friends. I was just now starting to realize that I wasn't upset she had other friends, I was upset because I wanted to be her girlfriend and I didn't like other girls getting her attention.

I broke out of my thoughts again, Billie had led me back to the same room I woke up in and sat me on the bed in my fluffy robe. I looked down at the design on it. Chanel? This is what she "found" when she went looking for a robe for me? This thing could pay my rent for a month.

"What questions do you have for me Cleo?" Billie sat beside me on the the bed and started cracking her fingers.

"How did you know you were gay," I started, she raised an eyebrow, " record of course."

Billie nodded slowly, "Mhm...well I didn't know for sure until I had been with a that. But I had always found women attractive and sex with men was never good to me," she shrugged, "and I'm a fucking nympho so if it's not good - it's you not me."

I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my chipped fingernail polish. I hated having sex with men. I mean I literally avoided my current "boyfriend" like the plague. I felt myself tearing up again.

"Cleo," Billie reached over and hugged me again, "do you think you're gay? Is that why you've been so fixated on making this your story?"

I hadn't even thought of that. Maybe subconsciously, yes.

I just cried a little bit harder.

Billie pulled back from our hug and said,

"I have an idea."

"What?" I choked out.

She put her hand on my bare thigh that had slipped out of my robe, I glanced down at it and felt my pussy throbbing and cheeks blushing, I didn't pull away. I wanted her there.

"Do you like that?" She made direct eye contact with her icy gaze. Her lips were so perfect. I wanted her to kiss me.

Billie pulled her hand back,

"How about if you stay with me for awhile...willingly this time. But there's a contract involved."

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