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Billie's POV.

I didn't know what I was going to do with Cleo yet but I knew I didn't want to let her go. I can't just let her sit in her own urine though.

"If I take off these restraints you cannot run away. Understand?"

Cleo sniffled and nodded.

I removed her restraints one by one and she rubbed her wrists.

"Hold my hand and I'll take you to the bathroom, but you have to hold my hand the entire time okay?"

She looked confused but grabbed my hand anyway.

Is it weird that holding hands with her felt romantic instead of like the flesh made handcuff that I had invented?

I got to the big bathroom with a two person shower, jacuzzi tub, marble floor and all the works in it. Finneas had helped me design this house. His taste was amazing. Cleo observed in awe,

"This bathroom is gorgeous," her eyes lit up as she briefly forgot that I was holding her prisoner and she had just pissed herself.

I mumbled a thank and then locked the door behind us. She looked confused at my actions,

"You didn't think I was going to let you be somewhere alone did you?" I chuckled.

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