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The man grunted as I kicked him in the chest, holding back the wince as the force impacted the stitched wound. Ducking the swing coming from behind me as I drove my elbow above the third guy's kneecap. The man's leg spazzed and he fell to the ground as I sprung from the floor and delivered a knee to his jaw.

I had the other two on the ground in a matter of seconds. Silence followed as I breathed standing over the groaning guards. Finally my eyes moved to stare into the brown impressed eyes watching me.

A creepy smile on his lips as he eyed me. No one said anything as I stepped away from the three men and towards the man with the creepy smile. Once I was within two feet of him I grabbed the towel on the table and wiped my hands off.

I wasn't sweating and I was only partly tired after my previous fights yesterday and my adventure this morning. Not to mention the multiple wounds littering my body.

It was still quiet as the man and I watched each other. His eyes calculating as I stared with indifference. I had already marked the exits and amounts of weapons on the guards around me, if needed I could take out the twenty people in here and get my people out.

"Lance." The man spoke at last, his eyes not leaving mine as an older man in a camo uniform approached. "Get Miss Kane a uniform. We have a new member of the guard." I remained unfazed as Lance left and it was only Cage and myself.

"Welcome to the ground unit Miss Kane." I put a fake smile on my face as Cage gave me an unnerving smile.

"Now that's cleared up, your father promised me that I could see my people. Whether you take me or I find my own way to them is up to you." I spoke threateningly as Cage's smile turned into a smirk. His jelled back hair pissed me off as he stepped towards me and whispered mockingly.

"We wouldn't want that now would we. Come, I'll take you to five." Cage turned on his heels, his taller height ceasing to shadow me as he walked towards the door his hands folded behind him.

I followed carefully, my eyes scanning the hallways I had traveled getting to the training room and then to the elevator Cage was leading me towards. My eyes flicked to the stairs then back to the metal contraption.

The first step of getting these people to let down their guard around me, make them think I trust them. And that's how I ended up going down the elevator to level five.

It's also how I ended up striking a deal with Dante Wallace and his son Cage. I get to protect my people and they get to as well.

The deal was short and sweet, with some extras. Including, I get to keep my leather jacket, my two daggers and sheaths, and my combat boots. Everything else I can do away with. Which they made me do. I was given a black long sleeve shirt and olive green jeans. As well as new undergarments. Everything else, taken away after I had changed and my items were decontaminated before being returned to me.

Those were the extras, the deal was a temporary win-win situation. Mount Weather had an outsider who could withstand radiation and kill grounders in their ground unit, and I was inside Mount Weather with my people. Of course when I explained to them the first time, neither Wallace looked thrilled to have me come inside. But when I shared that I would get my people out if they didn't let me in, while brandishing my weapons, the two hesitantly agreed.

The trust wasn't there, but I would get them to believe. At least long enough for me to get my people out. There was something about this place that gave me a bad feeling. And it wasn't just the hazmats and pale skin.

There was something darker happening. Something sinister. Something, inhumane.

Something that would have to wait until my people were back on the surface and safe. Back where the rest of us were. The Ark that had fallen, and Bellamy. He and Finn would have to be okay. The two may not get along but they would help each other survive. I only hope it's long enough for me to get everyone safely to the top.

"This is level five, your people should be in this first room." Cage said as he hung back in the elevator. "You'll be briefed after lunch. Plus you'll have your own quarters that I will personally take you too." I didn't respond as I stepped from the elevator, my fingers twitching towards the hilts of my daggers as I scanned the weak defenses.

Cage was stupid to think he could just let me walk around, but that's what trust is.

"Finn and Bellamy?" My knees nearly buckled as a smile fought to cross my face. Clarke. She was okay.

"Clarke, they uh.." that was Jasper. "They didn't make it." His voice was a whisper that I could barely hear as I silently walked towards the open doorway.

"And Persphyni?" Clarke's voice sounded broken as she asked, afraid of the answer. I made my way into the doorway arms crossed as I looked at the teens who were looking down, having a moment to remember.

"Did I come to the wrong party?" Clarke's head jerked in my direction as she spun around. The other 46 teens copying her as they stared shocked. "Was the celebration over the grounders yesterday?" Clarke snapped out of it first, taking giant strides and wrapping me in a large hug as I automatically gave her one back.

Our embrace lasting a long time as the rest of my family inside the mountain joined around us. A moment of grateful silence passed through us as I pulled away from Clarke and gave everyone a smile.

A smile that was received in a large family hug. These were my people, and I planned to die if it meant they were safe. My eyes flicked to the camera in the corner, a deadly look glazed over my eyes as I didn't blink.

The Mountain Men knew nothing about me. Though they are going to wish they did. And the only thing they do know, is one small and simple truth.

I am Dangerous, and I am ready.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now