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"Fox!" I snapped my head to Jasper as he began shouting at the screen Monty had rigged the cameras to. "I promised her!"

"Monty, where is she!" I shouted as I made a break for the door I was in front of.

"Entering the elevator, but you'll never mak-" I couldn't hear Monty's yells as I ran passed the elevator and the stairs. Both of which were shut or in use currently. But I wasn't planning for those anyway. I was going to cut them off using the vents.

"Persphyni! Where are you going!" Jasper shouted as I approached the corner that held the room I needed.

"To save our friend!" I burst into the door and beelined it to the vent hidden in the back of the room. A small smile on my face at the drawings all over the walls.

It didn't take me long at all to pop the cover off as I had already pulled out the screws when we had taken the level. Thanking myself for the preparation that I had known would come in handy. Only I wish for different reasons.

Envisioning the map of the vents I managed to reach the long ladder in no time as I scaled down it to the very bottom floor. Small deja vu of this morning with Bellamy crosses my mind as I crawled to the vent we had stared out of earlier and began to kick it out. The harsh sounds echoed but I couldn't care less.

The metal gave in as I finally kicked it off the wall, the room empty as I slid in and covered the vent back up. My eyes soon drifting to the two bodies that lay near the door. The large examination chair leaned into a recline with a lamp pointed directly at it sat in the middle of the room. The walls lined with cages.

I didn't get much time to hide as the door clicked and whom I'm assuming was Fox and her two escorts walked in. So I hid in the easiest, most accessible place I could get to in a second.

"I'll prep the table." I heard one of the men say as he walked to the chair. My grip tightening and loosening on the hilt of my dagger as I waited. The man's footsteps coming closer as I hid in the shadow of the chair although not very well as my five eight self was cramped. Just as I got ready to burst from my hiding spot, I heard Fox grunt and a thud of a body hitting one of the cages. The man who had walked over turned and ran back towards the chaos so I sat back and waited.

I heard the click of a gun and took a deep inhale. Knowing someone else had entered due to the fact Fox's escorts weren't allowed guns to level five, which I guess was a good tactic as we didn't have any additional weapons. But that's besides the point.

"Thanks." One of the men said before the gun shot off twice and two bodies hit the ground following. I slowly peered my head around to see Bellamy taking of his mask and nearly sighed in relief when I saw Maya right outside the door.

"Come on, we have to get her someplace safe." Maya spoke once she walked in the room eyeing the dead guards and Bellamy whom Fox was currently hugging. My small smile faltering at the sight and Maya's words. No place except for the ground was safe for us. The mountain men would never stop.

I stayed in my hiding place and counted to ten waiting for the door to shut. But it never did. My eyes narrowed as I used my dagger to check the reflection and nearly jumped when I saw Bellamy with his arms crossed on my left. I stood up with a scowl and went to hit him.

"What the hell!" Bellamy's smirk turned into a pointed look.

"I should be asking you the same thing. And really?" He pointed to where I had previously been hiding. "Behind the chair?" I scrunched my nose with a huff and turned around to the vent.

"Yes, really. Now get Fox out of here. I can take care of myself." I strode over to the vent not waiting for his response.

"I know."

But I only heard his sigh as he walked back to the door and together we exited the room back the way we came. One of us left, the other of us right. The sad reality of us never meeting in the middle for long would be how he remembered me.


"There gonna come in hotter next time." Miller stated as he walked over to where I was fiddling with a walkie and Jasper was sorting through armor the guards had been wearing. "You know that right?" His question directed towards me as I looked up with a raised brow.

"I literally said it like five minutes ago. So yes, I know. But as I said, five minutes ago, Cage is unpredictable. He could come in with guns or a threat. But he won't kill u.." I trailed off as I thought of a new way to make us surrender and my eyes went straight to Jasper's who didn't meet my gaze.

"All we got to do is hold the floor until Bellamy finds a way out." Jasper continued to sort the armor as I stepped away from the table walkie in hand as I wished it didn't come to what I was thinking. If it did, he would give up in a heartbeat. The things people do for love.

"This is President Wallace," My eyes shot down to the walkie and I turned the volume up for everyone to hear it. "Talking to the people who killed fifteen of my men today." I thought there was more. I could feel everyone looking around at each other and back at me as I kept my gaze on the walkie, my left hand drifting towards my dagger Lincoln had given me.

"Jasper, Persphyni!" I went over to Monty and knew precisely who was in the hazmat suit before either of them.

"Maya." I whispered so quietly that Wallace's voice covered it. I was worried that they had gotten both Fox and Bellamy when going to Maya, but I could wait to ask instead of worry now.

"I thought we try something a little different this time. There's only twenty minutes of oxygen in Maya's suit. I know she's a friend of yours." More than a friend, my eyes drifted to Jasper's who clenched his jaw angrily.

"In 20 minutes your friend will either suffocate, or burn." Either way she was dead, he wasn't going to just use her as leverage than help her. We'd have to get out and bring her with us. "But you can save her. All you have to do is surrender." Jasper looked at me as I brought the walkie to my mouth.

"This is the person who killed fifteen of your men talking to the phony President Wallace. I'm calling your bluff. See, you're a selfish inconsiderate prick who has killed and tortured so many innocents, and Maya is just another tally to your list. Is she not?" I paused turning away from Jasper whose watery, angry eyes were distracting me. "You're going to kill her whether or not we surrender. Because you can't have people siding against you. Well guess what, Dr.Tsing is dead. Soon your other doctors will be too. And that leaves no one to properly perform your medical experiment which kills the unwilling donor. So really who wins? No one. So consider this, Mr. President." I took a pause as I quickly debated what I was going to say. The less lethal option winning. "You give us a tank for three hours for Maya and I don't march up to your office and kill you and anyone else who attempts to get in my way. Just ask Emerson, he nearly wet himself earlier. I'm not someone you want to trifle with."

I looked back to Jasper and nodded in Maya's direction. Him getting the hint, sprinted out to meet her. My heart hurting as I tried to find someway to save her and them.

"Consider it considered, Persphyni Kane. But consider it denied, your move Bloodmoon."

My move indeed.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now