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"There she is." My eyes snapped to where my father was looking and I casually wrapped my hand around the hilt of my dagger as I continued to walk towards the woman with my father.

I watched them do a handshake minus the shake, the woman's hand slipped from her sword hilt to take my dad's outstretched hand. I continued to walk until I was side by side and staring at the woman who was sizing me up as I did her.

"Persphyni." I spoke, sticking my right hand out after a few seconds. The woman eyed me carefully before meeting my greeting.

"Indra." I smiled at the name, the Hindu version of Zeus. This is who Octavia must have been talking about.

"Pleasure to meet you." I released her hand and relaxed my left on my dagger, she wasn't a threat at the moment and she was alone. Though I had no doubt she could become a threat all on her own.

"And to finally meet you, Wanlida." She dipped her head in respect to which I did the same. That was one of the reasons blood is spilt, lack of respect.

"Wanlida? My daughter is Wanlida?" Indra and I turned to him, neither of us showing emotion as he had a slight malfunction.

"Is this something I should ask about being a big deal? Dad, they've called me that since I landed." Not that I knew what it meant, only what Lincoln shared about the red tally in his book.

"It means Bringer of Death." I pursed my lips, makes since. "And don't worry Kane, she's been the talk of the Coalition since landing. In fact, she's everyone's number one ally choice."

"Number one ally choice?" Indra set her gaze on me and I saw the ghost of a smirk on her stoic face.

"After your clear instruction to Anya the battle at your camp, and the performance at the mountain, my people believe if you fight in a war or battle whichever side you fight against will lose." I wanted to laugh at how easily I had managed to intimidate the grounders, but I kept it in as I nodded to show I understood. "Which is why the clans have held off calling a war on Skaikru." I knew little about Indra except what Octavia has told me.

"Has Trikru been one of the clans to suggest avoiding war?" Indra eyed me as I kept myself relaxed but aware as I maintained eye contact.

"Trikru has been against the violence, as we have first hand experienced your abilities and as we have our own silent truce, we've kept peace. But something is brewing in Azgeda. Their queen has always been looking to set a commander of her own on the throne, and I fear if that should happen not only would the coalition fall apart but Skaikru would be targeted." My father and I looked to one another and I saw everything he was trying to explain to me.

"And in order for Azgeda to set a commander of their own would be to kill Lexa? A Trikru commander." I wanted to identify her exact goals in telling us this.

"Yes." I looked to the top of the trees momentarily as I worked through Indra's motives.

"Lexa hasn't called for an attack on Skaikru, meaning she would rather have peace not war. If this is threatened in anyway, and an invitation to the capital is extended to Wanlida, is there a possibility the threat is weakened?" Indra nodded at my question, and understanding passed between the two of us.

"Well, let Lexa know it is always an option."

"I will. Mochof." She turned and began to walk away, her face clear with relief as she turned from us.

"Indra!" The woman turned as my father called out to her. "Have you heard anything of Clarke?"

"Not yet. Don't worry, she is alive for now. This section is Trikru woods, she will be safe." My father nodded before he too turned around and began to walk back the way we had come. I took a moment more to stare at Indra's retreating back and then back to the tree line of the clearing. A small flash of blonde darted through the trees but when I blinked I knew it was simply my imagination.

The timing would have been too perfect, and Clarke is anything but.

Wherever she is, I know she's alive. She's too smart to die.


We went in the same way we had left, and something tells me that I'd use this plenty more times meaning I needed to get used to it. I needed to accept that vents were just a reoccurring symbol in my life, something I would escape for only a short while.

"I'll see you at lunch." I gave my father a small wave and went back to my room. I no longer needed my pack and wanted to change into just a long sleeve instead of my short sleeve and jacket.

As I turned down the hallway I stopped, my feet were silent enough that it hadn't alerted him. But just as I went to turn around it was almost as if he could sense me because his head shot up, staring me right in the eyes. His arms crossed over themselves as he leaned against my door, staring at me down the hallway.

I had two options. One, turn around and go find Lincoln and train as an excuse. Or, I quit being a little bitch and buff up. As much as I hated it, I chose the second option.

My steps were silent in the hallway as we just remained staring at each other. Our faces stoic as I finally reached my door and he hadn't moved.

"Be-" I didn't get to finish as my back was soon on my door and Bellamy stood in front of me, his hands pinning mine so I couldn't move away. "Cute. You mind. I'd like to go into my room." I watched him smirk and move closer.

"I do mind. Unless you want to invite me in?" I narrowed my eyes at him, looking for his motive. And sighing before moving our connected hands to the scanner and typed in the code. The door unlocking as I pushed backwards onto the door and slipped from his grasp.

"By all means, do come in." I rolled my eyes as I shut the door behind him. Turning around to see him standing about a foot away. I walked passed him and towards my dresser, pulling out my green long sleeve shirt and setting my pack on the chair beside the wood.

"What did you need Bellamy?" I didn't bother turning around to face him as I moved to my small in-suite bathroom and changed my shirt. I furrowed my brows at the closed sliding door as he didn't respond.

The deja vu of this situation was too weird, only I didn't have a broom to hit him with. And I felt comfortable. It's just Bellamy.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now