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I felt myself drifting further apart from my family as Cage kept me running with guard duties. The sudden spark in my schedule suspicious as it kept me away from level five specifically.

I was even sent to monitor a knitting circle on level three because he claimed a few of the grandma's were vicious. The bad thing was, is I now know he wasn't joking. And neither was that grandma when she tripped me for slightly untangling her ball of yarn.

I had ran through my schedule attached to the large guard schedule for the rest of the week and found I would be accompanied by several other guards throughout my shifts. Except for the window of sleep and the thirty minutes before breakfast and curfew. Which is currently what I was taking.

"To steal some copper wire, the guards' schedules, and a walkie-talkie." I nearly scolded Monty for talking so loud but held it in as I sat on the bed and draped an arm casually around him.

"Hello family." I gave them a smile and held it as I talked through my teeth. "Be happy to see me, I'm on twenty-four hour surveillance." Monty first caught on and gave me a side hug back as I fist bumped Miller and Jasper with a smile.

"It's been a while since we've seen you." Jasper awkwardly choked out. I let out a sigh and laid back on the bed, purposely being dramatic.

"I know, I've just got my schedule two days ago and I'm completely loaded. Here, take a look." I grabbed the folded up paper and passed it to Monty with a small wink. I then proceeded to take my vest off, pulling the walkie-talkie from its clip and setting it in the folded cover of the bed, placing my vest on top of it.

"I was walking past one of the janitorial rooms on my way here and offered some help. The man was super nice and even showed me his trash scraps he keeps in case maintenance needs any copper wires or extra metal for a welding project." Miller, Monty, and Jasper did well and gave me encouraging smiles though Miller's was hinting on a victorious smirk. But Maya on the other hand, she had to fake a laugh as her mouth dropped open in shock at my actions. She clearly hasn't been told of my awesomeness. Nor my true identity, which is as it should be.

"Well, I better be off. As you can see on my schedule," I leaned in and pointed towards the large joint schedule for all guards at the shift changes, "I have to go get breakfast then head over to level three. I've got a knitting circle to monitor." I then grabbed the schedule Monty had been secretly copying, even though I knew he had it already memorized, and my vest leaving the walkie under the bed cover.

"Bye Atlys." They chorused as I sauntered out of the room, a genuine smile on my face knowing they understood and didn't hate me.

"I'll come visit when I can. Stay safe."


"Sir, I told you, we need more boots on the ground." I sucked up right to the wall as I heard the two sets of approaching feet. The elevator was just to my left as I hid behind the white pipes and concrete wall.

"Yes, well the only boots that can follow you safely to the ground are the same ones who act as a wild card. We only know what she has told us, and I'm working on a way to get everything out of her." I kept my eyes glued to Cage and the other guy as they turned the corner right in front of me giving me the chance to slip below the pipes and head to the elevator.

"Sergeant. Why aren't you at your post?" I halted waiting for the answer, my body halfway out from under the pipes.

"Sir, routine decon, sir." I slid the rest of the way and moved along the pipes that ran to the other side of the hallway knowing that no one was on security other than whoever was decontaminating the room. But two routine checks in two days, something wasn't right.

"All clear, gentlemen." A new voice spoke as the sound of a door opening reached my ears. The voice seemed familiar but too undistinguishable.

The door shut and I started for the elevator knowing I only had a few minutes before the camera showed me.

"Hold up." I reached the elevator and called it down using the badge I had stolen off of one of the Major's at lunch. "You forgot to log it."

"Whoops, I'm always doing that." The elevator doors slowly began to open as I kept an ear on the conversation.

"Thanks for saving me. Take care." I stepped inside and turned around pulling my hat further over my face. Reaching a hand out to the buttons.

"You said it was all clear. Your entry says something else." I pressed level three slowly as I subtly took a step forward at the conversation.

"You sure? That's weird? If you don't mind, I'll fix it later. I have another room to check." My eyes widened as I recognized the voice. The sounds of running steps echoed as the elevator doors shut and I was left staring at the floor praying that he had gotten away.


You stupid, genius, and apparently suicidal idiot. I hope it was worth it Monty. I'll get you back I promise. First I have to find where you are.

I trudged from level five, where Jasper and Miller confirmed not only Monty's disappearance but also Harper's, to my own room. I wasn't hungry and I needed to be alone. I had to get the two back, and I had a bad feeling on where to start looking.

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