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I walked over to where Clarke stood, my hands on my daggers and clenched my fingers around them as I remained emotionless.

"This is what they've been hiding." Clarke whispered as she stared at Anya.

"Clarke." I set a hand on her shoulder before looking to the vent. "You need to get out of this mountain and find the Ark. Find Raven, Octavia, Finn, and find Bellamy." I pulled her to a stand and gripped her hand firmly. "I'm going to protect our people, and theirs." I nodded towards the cages. I had little less than two minutes to get back through the vent. I gave Clarke a hand squeeze before turning and walking away back to the vent.

"Wanlida." I turned to face the whisper of Anya as she looked into my eyes. "Mochof." I dipped my head and closed my eyes in a respectful bow as Anya did the same. When I looked up I saw numerous other cage occupants copying Anya's lead even though previously they were skeptical of me.

I knew not of what these people had done or will do, I only know what I must. And those mountain men were going to die in my wake. I haven't even begun, but I knew that this was going to be fun.

I never did get to participate in theatre, and not counting my performances in the arena as Bloodmoon, never dramatized in front of people. Always a chance to do something new, right?


"Miss Kane? Miss Kane?" I continued to lay on the cold floor as I was being shook awake.

"Atlys, you need to wake up." I took the groggy approach and began to groan softly, slowly grasp my head and looking away from the light.

"Miss Kane? Can you hear me?" I looked through my lashes as I squinted my eyes at the light being shined into my eyes, a moment of regret filling me as I shied away from the burning sensation.

"Yes." I croaked out, "now please get that damn light from my eyes." I heard a sigh and a few chuckles.

"Yup, she's definitely alright." I slowly blinked my eyes open to see Dr. Tsing kneeling next to me, Dante standing above me and Cage near my feet with his arms crossed.

"Har-har. Very funny." I scowled at Cage before wincing.

"Miss Kane, what happened?" Dante asked the question I knew the other two were thinking. I furrowed my brows and scrunched my nose in fake concentration.

"I- I don't necessarily remember. I had just knelt down by the bed and- Clarke!" I shouted trying to stand up rapidly before falling back down and clutching my head with a groan.

"Miss Kane, please don't try to stand up too fast." I nodded my head in fake surrender.

"Might be smart." I kept the sass to a minimum as I took a few long deep breaths, staling for as long as possible.

"Where is she?" I asked looking at the three of them. I faked a gasp, bringing a hand to my head and stared at the metal pipe that had rolled under the bed. "Clarke," I trailed off, "she, she hit me." I looked at Dante, stared straight into the old man's eyes. "You were right. She's gone crazy." As if on cue, the sound of a siren started to go off.

I watched Cage and Dante share a look before glancing at Tsing who nodded. The two of them started to walk away and I pushed Tsing off to follow them.

"Miss Kane, please stay with Dr. Tsing." Dante said as Cage and him got to the door.

"No. That alarm, it's Clarke isn't it?" They didn't say anything causing me to growl. I pushed passed the shocked son and father and started in the direction of the alarm. Turning around to face them, "Cage, let's go. This is a security problem, no?" I gave him an evil smirk to which he replied with one of his own and jogged to catch up with me.

I turned around holding the smirk and facade up as I mentally prayed I would reach her first. Use your brain Clarke, I'll give you as much time as I can.


Myself and a team of hazmats were currently running through the tunnel system they had originally taken my people in through. Two of the hazmats had weird signal tubes that had a soft blue glow to them. Though that was all they did as we continued to walk through the tunnels.

"We aren't going to find her like this. Come on. Two of you go this way, you two, you're with me." The four hazmats split and we were soon trudging through the quiet tunnels separately this time.

Two minutes down I heard the first noise. The slow dragging feet, the harsh breaths and slight growls. We weren't alone in these tunnels. And something tells me that these were the tunnels that Clarke and Finn ran into Reapers with Lincoln. I tightened my grip on my unsheathed daggers as I kept an ear out for the two bodies following us. The other two hazmats seemed unfazed as they continued forward completely unaware of the two bodies who have sped up to a fast walk behind us.

Only when one of the two beings behind us attacked did the hazmats do something. The one who just fell on the ground with the Reaper on top of him screamed as the Reaper continued to stab him until the light blue signal tube became more than just a light blue signal tube.

As the hazmat with the ear piercing signal tube got closer to the Reapers, I slipped further away as my ears rang at the noise. The two reapers eventually ran away, the hazmat shutting the signal tube off before turning to face me with slumped shoulders. The two of us glanced down at the blooded hazmat who lay face down in the dirt, the small silver axe embedded into his spine his hands outstretched with the gun limply laying in them.

"Do I get a gun now?" The question wasn't necessarily appropriate, but nonetheless I was able to pick up the hazmat's automatic and sheathed my daggers for the moment. A pit of dread in my stomach as I thought of Clarke in these tunnels running from Reapers.

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