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"Pers, Persphyni. Persphyni!" I fluttered my eyes open, my head hurting and body aching as I looked to the person who had just yelled.

"What do you want." I groaned as I slowly lifted an arm to my face and rubbed my eyes.

"You to not die. Seriously, we are almost there. I swear this time." My right side was aching and I was now in Lincoln's arms.

"What happened?" The last thing I remembered was sitting down and rewrapping my wound.

"You passed out. You've lost a lot of blood, and I can see your physically drained. And tired." He did have a point the tired and loss of blood.

"I didn't even do that much physical activity." I felt my eyelids closing and I forced them back open with my fingers, leaning into Lincoln to stabilize myself.

"Well I might be wrong, but I don't think there were trees in space." I rolled my eyes, still holding my eyelids open just in case. "At least I know you aren't going to die on me."

"How so?" I looked up at him as he gave me a glance downward.

"You're still able to roll your eyes with attitude. That takes a lot of energy." I snorted and turned my head as loud talking filled my ears.

"Being me in general takes a lot of energy. Are we there?" My question was quiet as I suddenly grew worried. My mind clawing trying to get me to leap from Lincoln's arms and run away, and as if he could sense it, I felt him tighten his hold slightly.

"Yes. We just exited the forest and are approaching the gate." His voice a whisper as well, our nerves pilling on top of each other.

"Lincoln, I don't think I can go in there." I turned into his chest hiding my face and wincing at the sudden strain on my wound.

"You can do anything, Persphyni. And I'll be right here with you, no doubt Bellamy and Octavia too. Whatever you're afraid of, it can't hurt you unless you let it." I sighed, Lincoln was right. And it was now or never.

"Hey! There's two people headed this way!" I heard a voice yell from roughly two hundred yards away.

"It's Lincoln! Open the gate!" That was Octavia's voice. Meaning she had made it back and everyone else.

"Lincoln!" I heard Octavia yell as footsteps pounded against the ground.

"You ready to do this?" Lincoln asked looking down at me as I peered up at him with my right eye.

"Yeah. Are you?" He sighed and began to walk again, Octavia's and another set of footsteps even closer.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I slowly turned my head away from his chest as I faced the metal ship I had once called prison so long ago.

"Lincoln!" I heard Octavia gasp as she caught sight of my weak form. "Persphyni. Is she okay? Are you alright?" She drifted from Lincoln to me, walking with us as Lincoln carried me closer to the gate. The other footsteps had stopped and my eyes went from Octavia's to Bellamy who seemed to have been on the verge of shedding tears.

"Hey Fake." I coughed randomly not helping the situation as Bellamy rushed over to us. Opening his mouth before I got him off.

"Later. You can lecture me later. But for now, get me to Abby and let Lincoln catch up with Octavia." I weakly patted Lincoln who reluctantly set me down. Bellamy's arms quickly wrapping around me as I placed an arm around his neck, attempting to take a step, only for my legs which had fallen asleep to give out on me.

Right as I started falling I stopped and was now comfortably settled in Bellamy's arms. Surprise written on my face when he managed to pick my up smoothly without jostling my wound.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I shook my head and gave a little laugh as he started walking.

"You actually did better than Lincoln. Instead of jostling me around like a rag doll," I shot over Bellamy's shoulder at Lincoln who simply rolled his eyes and went back to kissing Octavia, "you're treating me like a baby doll. Or is it porcelain. Either way, I'm making you my new transport." This time Bellamy laughed.

"Whatever you say," he paused looking down at me, "baby doll." I rolled my eyes to disguise the cage of butterflies that just unlocked in my stomach. The cliche feeling I've read in books a lot more overwhelming then I gave the females credit for.

"I thought it was whatever I want." I felt my eyelids growing heavy again. My voice trailing off as my arm around Bellamy's neck loosened.

"Pers, hey Persphyni, hey," he drew my attention back to him and I forced myself to keep my eyes open, "keep talking for me okay? Just whatever you want okay?"

"I knew it." I mumbled with a smirk as I turned my head into his chest, the lack of sleep catching up with me once again.

"Hey, nope, look at me. You need to stay awake, we are almost to medical." I turned my head groggily and looked up at him.

"We already made it into camp?" He nodded and I leaned the side of my head on his chest. "It's quiet." I gasped and began to whisper, "is everyone looking at us?" Bellamy's soft chuckle and growing smirk answered my question. Making me groan and bury my head into his chest.

"You smell surprisingly good." I mumbled into his shirt as I now purposely smelled him.

"Thanks, Shadow."

"No baby doll? I thought that was going to be our new thing?" I was tired for sure. My eyes closing as I listened for his response and the clank of his feet on metal.

"Whatever the hell you want." I smiled into his chest and felt myself slipping into the void.

"Thank you for saving me." I could tell he wasn't sure exactly what I meant, and I knew that his pause of silence was him making a small plan to ask me about it.

"Always." That was the last thing I heard as I let myself dive head first into sleep. My mind going blank as I relaxed further into his hold. The darkness pulling me in as I shut my eyes.

"I won't let you hold this world on your own. It's not your punishment to bear."

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now