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I had to shush the group of young kids who were circled just in front of my hiding spot. I had sent Octavia to get Bellamy while I hid behind the metal. Lincoln was simply observing from one of the wooden tables with Monty, an odd pairing but that's only because Octavia and I had gotten up.

Bellamy was still looking for me and he had recruited my father now, their relationship had blossomed and it was weird but in a good way. My father had passed the table a few minutes ago and helped set the plan in action. He'd go back to Bellamy then Octavia would run up and say she had found me.

Then from there, I'd basically tackle Bellamy and step on his ego a bit. The man had been looking for me now for over an hour, and I felt bad he hadn't found me yet. Which means I was going to have to teach him how to track, and test his awareness. Even though it's already being tested with how long it's taken for him to even get close.

"You know, I'm curious." I heard Octavia's voice. "Why are you still looking for her? She's a badass, she can look out for herself." I held my breath as I waited for the answer.

"Doesn't mean that she has to." I pulled my face into a frown, that's exactly why I can look out for myself. Because I have to. I heard Octavia gasp before she started chuckling and finally spoke up. A smirk undoubtedly plastered on her face.

"I knew it. My older brother has a cr-"

"O, stop acting like a gossiping ten year old." Bellamy's voice cut Octavia's off as she then laughed. But by this time they were almost at the corner, and it was now or never. I told Octavia to get him in front so I could catch him as soon as he walked out, though now I was starting to feel a little anxious.

Why was I doing this again?

I didn't get much time to answer myself as Bellamy's foot came into my line of sight and it was go time. I didn't let myself hesitate or I might have missed my chance, but I certainly hit the timing on the spot.

I took three quick steps before launching myself at Bellamy who just turned to face the running footstep, but wasn't fast enough to do anything as I caught him around his midsection and we both crashed to the dirt.

The gaggle of kids, Monty, Lincoln, Octavia, my Dad, and a few others who had watched what just happened began to chuckle as I sat up with a smile.

"Told you I'd kick your a-butt." I dragged the 'a' as I remembered there were kids around. Bellamy let out a small laugh as he inhaled trying to regain his breath.

"You forgot one thing." I rose a brow and cocked my head, pretty confident I had just knocked him on his ass.

"Pretty sure your back is on the ground." I sassed as I got ready to get up, only for Bellamy's hands at my hips to stop me. A smirk on his face as his fingers slowly crawled to my healing cut and I was impressed he even considered the weakness.

"You wouldn't do it." I called his bluff which he didn't answer but sat up so I was now sitting in his lap. The sudden change made the position way more intimate than I would have liked.

My mind completely blanking on the part of the plan where I run away as I sucked in a breath staring into his brown eyes.

"Maybe not, but I can do this." Within milliseconds, I had braced myself as Bellamy switched out positions. My back now on the ground as he pinned me, his legs coming around my body from between my own.

I was impressed even more.

"Lincoln?" I asked Bellamy as he gave me a smirk but I could see the slight color to his cheeks. "Cute." I sent him my own smirk. The two of us in our own little world, as I forgot about the several people who were stood around watching.

As I went to push him off, a harsh cough made us both freeze and look up to a smirking Octavia, a grinning Monty, Lincoln who was rolling his eyes, and my dad. Who didn't look amused.

"Blake, let's go. Guard training starts now." Bellamy nodded and hopped up, offering me a hand up which I took and sent him a small smile.

"You're screwed." Bellamy nodded in agreement before clearing his throat and following my dad back inside the Ark, most likely towards the training room. Which I have yet to use and only seen while I took a tour of what was called Alpha Station.

"So uh, you and my brother huh?" My eyes snapped to Octavia's and I let out a bark of laughter, before steeling my face and looking her dead in the eyes.

"That's as likely as fire and ice." This time Monty cut in.

"Didn't stop the cavemen." I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but stopped and looked at the three of them.

"Whatever you guys are wanting to happen, it won't. Lincoln," I turned my attention to him as he perked up slightly, "Can we start tomorrow?"

"Just before dawn at the spot I showed you, don't be late." I smirked as I started to walk backwards.

"I'll see you then, Seda." The other two looked confused but Lincoln grinned and rolled his eyes. Something he's started to do a lot more, which makes me think our friendship was something he needed desperately in his life. After all, even eye muscles need to be worked out. And that was one of the many things I was good at.


"How was training?" He simply rolled his eyes and flopped on the bed I was sitting across and groaned, making me laugh. I stood from my chair and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and watching the tired man roll over.

"You're coming with me next time." I gave him a pointed look as he sat up slowly, his face pleading going against his previous command.

"I'll have to work it around my schedule." I didn't promise anything, but it might be fun to train with my dad at least once. See what the old man could do. But Bellamy didn't care as he fist bumped the air like a dork.

"Now what do you mean, your schedule?" So I told him about Lincoln training me for the next several weeks. Though I didn't tell him the real reason, it would be too much. And knowing him, he wouldn't let me.

Though, that's never stopped me before.

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