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I lowered the pistol, my face a mask as I refused to look at Bellamy's eyes. I could handle the judgement, the pain, the blood. But I couldn't handle him looking at me, especially after he had just indirectly asked me to spare the man.

"Listen to me very carefully." Clarke was now talking into the walkie and I let her. Setting the pistol on a counter top and moving towards Dante. Closing his eyes and dragging him against the wall.

"I bear the world too," I whispered to the old man, "may you find relief in death." I stood from my crouch and made my way over to my bag. Making the mistake of looking up straight into the awaiting eyes of Bellamy Blake.

I fought to hide the large pool of emotions as I ripped my eyes away from his. Worried he'd see right through me. This was the first death at my hand I felt a shred of empathy for, something I never considered as I plotted the leadership's deaths. Thought of anyone's death really.

But Dante, his pulled something deep within me. Yet I wasn't sure if it was truly from killing him or from Bellamy whose eyes burned the back of my head.

"I will irradiate level five." I slowly turned to face Clarke who sounded so confident in herself when I knew she was merely bluffing.

"Clarke," I walked over to her and pulled the walkie from her hand. "You and I both know that when the time comes, you won't pull that lever." She bit her lip, her eyes tired as she looked up into mine with a sigh.

"I know." Her voice was wavering and I pulled her into a hug. Her arms wrapping around my lower torso and squeezing tight making me wince slightly at the pressure. Then groan as I felt the cut open again.

"What's wrong?" Clarke asked worriedly as she pulled away from me.

"Nothing, I uh, I'm fine." Clarke turned her head and shot Bellamy a look to which he shrugged at. My eyes flashing to my bag less then subtly as I went to head towards it only to get stopped by Bellamy.

"Persphyni? What's wrong." I looked at his eyes, steeling mine so he could read them.

"I said I'm fine, Blake." He gave me a look and I tensed, his hand reaching out to my left side and poking it. "What the hell are you doing? I said I'm fine, you all need to stop paying attention to me and focus on the w-mmh." I took a large deep breath in as Bellamy cut my words short with a hand on my waist. Completely covering the wound, and from his look of surprise, I knew he could feel the large bandages.

"Pers." He whispered.

"No. Please, Bellamy not right now. Our people are more important. They always have been and always will." I whispered back, my hand covering his own and slowly pulling it off my waist.

"You promise you're okay." I nodded with a weak smile.

"I'll let you know if anything changes, I promise, Bell."

He went to open his mouth when Clarke pulled our attention back to the monitor.

"Emerson's coming for us." I let go of Bellamy's hand and stepped towards my pack, pulling it on and watching Cage who began to walk away from view.

"They deactivated my keycard, can you do that to his?" Bellamy asked Monty who gave a nod.

"That one is easy." I smiled at the genius as he typed away.

"Cage is on the move." I alerted the others as I saw him exit the corridor camera and entered the cafeteria, then headed to the dorm.

"Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?" Bellamy and I shot a worried look over Clarke to each other.

"I can try." I heard the unease in his voice as he sat back down at the controls.

"Wait a second, Clarke. We need to think about this." Bellamy started trying to plead with her. "There are kids in there."

"I know." Her voice was a whisper.

"And people who helped us." Bellamy continued.

"Well, then, please, give me a better idea." I bit my lip, either way people were going to die. And this seemed like the only option that would maximize our gains, however selfishly it was.

"The only other options hold too many casualties short and long term. Bellamy, we have to stop them now."

"Persphyni, these people have helped us. Think about Vincent, Maya, Melissa."

"I am!" I shouted, breathing in deeply to settle myself. "I am." My eyes moved to the monitor where I saw the little old woman sitting with her husband knitting and watching her grandchildren play. "Vincent is dead. Maya doesn't want Jasper to die for her, and Melissa. Well, Melissa is Melissa." My eyes watered slightly as the woman in question looked up into the camera almost sensing my words, a smile on her face.

"If we do this, there is no going back." Bellamy said over the screams of Clarke's mother. The blonde's attention fully distracted by the dorm room.


"I'm working on it." He didn't look up once, but he knew what I was asking.


"Now what?"

"Now, your sister is being a badass." I informed as I watched Octavia kill the two guards in the hall without a falt in her step.

"They got to get out of there." Bellamy commented as we watched more guards filling in.

"They're not going to make it. Monty?"

"Almost done." He answered me as he typed faster once he saw Jasper in the dorm.

"Why are you stopping?" Monty and I both looked up at Clarke as I stepped towards the lever.

"Because I did it."

"Because he did it." We said together, as I laid my hand on the lever. My eyes taking in my people being held at gun point. Or chained to a wall in the dorm.

My eyes scanning the mess hall for Melissa only to see her standing at the camera in the corridor with a smile. Her small beautiful family around her. This woman was something else, and that stopped me.

Never before had a hesitated like this, my conscience suddenly awake and yelling at me to figure something else out and fast. To save our people and Melissa and Maya. But there wasn't.

I'm sorry. I mouthed even if she couldn't see me. My face soon steeling once again. My heart locking as I faced the dorm then Clarke and Bellamy.

"Object now if you have a better plan." My head turned to Monty who was too busy watching Jasper. "Okay then." I breathed as I grasped the lever tighter in my hand. Clarke's hand laying over mine as she gave me a nod.

I looked up at Bellamy as he watched the monitor, his eyes glistening when he saw Octavia be forced to the ground.

"My sister, my responsibility." He turned to face me and walked over to my other side. His hand settling on top of both mine and Clarke's.

The three of us standing together and holding the fate of an entire race in our hands as we paused momentarily.

"Together." Bellamy said as we looked up at him. His eyes swooping from Clarke's to mine, his brown staring into my green for longer as I nodded.

"This will be the only time we share the weight." I told them as we turned to the monitors once again. "After this, you two can go be young adults."

"After this, we won't have to worry about the world." Bellamy whispered making me look up at him. His eyes meeting mine, and I saw a promise in them. Some hidden thing I knew nothing about.

But I'd find out later. For now, for now it could wait.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now