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I watched from my spot against the wall as the small ground unit going on the mission, rounded into quarantine to get suited into hazmats.

"She's late." One of them said as the five men walked closer to me.

"Not surprising, she probably wanted her beauty sleep." The five men laughed.

"She needs it." I stepped forward into the light as they jumped back in fright seeing how close I was without them noticing.

"Thank you for that information, I'll be sure to file it under the 'I don't give a fuck' cabinet and get to it never." The five men slowly regained their confidence as they righted themselves up and walked closer.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you, girlie." One of the older men warned.

"Do you have a mirror?" I asked kindly, shocking the five men, "or is it crammed so far up your ass that you can't see your own reflection to tell yourself?" I was snappy. My plan of being trustworthy and likeable gone out the bayside doors, floated like I should have been. And I really couldn't care less.

He couldn't make a comeback when I nudged my head in the direction of quarantine where they were meant to grab their suits.

"Seems like I'll be leading the mission as Sergeant Shaw has neglected to show up. Suit up and let's go. I'd like to be back for the rest of my people before lunch." I didn't give them room to argue as I headed towards the doors only to stop and have to wait when I remembered the red light after scanning my keycard when I had tried earlier.

"Aren't you guys supposed to keep an eye on me?" I covered up the reason for me having to stop as I addressed the five men behind me. They grumbled and hurried up to me. The guy who had made the first comment, used his card and we followed in after him. The white walls nearly blinding me as a flash of Clarke's rough map sketch crossed my eyes.

If this was the white room that meant her quarantine cell was down the hall passed the door the team was currently headed towards. I might be able to get them out through this way after all.


We had barely made it down the hill when the screech of pain followed a gunshot rang through the air. As another cry trailed through the air, I hesitated. Looking into the forest in front of me as the group froze and stared up at the hill we had just walked down.

Damnit. Trust.

"This is Kane. I've got a code, whatever the hell number you guys have, someone's been shot and another is in pain. I repeat, someone's been shot, another is in pain. We are approaching now, over." I called in to the walkie as the six of us ran over to the screams. The other five seemed shocked I had turned around and called it in, I honestly was too.

"Come in, Kane, this is Major Deens you said someone's been shot? Over." Idiots, you'd think they'd get it at least the second time.

"Deens this is Kane, yes. We are outside of the bunker's main door." My voice trailed off as I saw the state of the men.

"Kane. Kane!"

"It's Sergeant Shaw." One of the guards whispered as he knelt down beside the dead man, another man sat next to him barely breathing, his skin covered in red as he shook in pain.

"I'm here, yes. We're gonna need medical. Shaw is dead, but the other is still alive. I need medical now. Over and out." I didn't leave room for discussion as I turned my walkie off and set my hands on the hilts of my daggers. It wasn't even breakfast yet and I was already back.

The six of us managed to get Sergeant Shaw and the other man up and towards the door when the medics rushed to us, stretchers in hand. A large sigh of relief escaped me as they took the dead man and injured man away. Now we could get back to the mission.

"Okay, we just lost daylight, but we can still make it to my camp and back before dinner." I informed them as I clocked the sun.

"Kane, we aren't going out there." I rose a brow in the guard who had knelt down beside Shaw's direction.

"The hell not?"

"Cause it isn't safe." Dante's voice filtered through the air as he came to stand by the large metal door in a hazmat. "We can try again later, but today is going to have to wait." The other five didn't hesitate to go inside, I on the other hand turned around to take in the scene in front of me.

Green trees, green grass, blue sky, white fluffy clouds, sun reaching the tops of the trees, birds flying, cool breeze swirling my hair around gently as it hung in a ponytail. It was so beautiful. I was out.

"Those were radiation burns weren't they?" I finally spoke up asking Dante the first of many questions.

"Yes." I didn't look at the old man as he kept his answer brief.

"Did your cameras see how Shaw died?" Even though I knew what happened I wanted to hear it from the president himself.

"Yes." I bit my lip still not turning around waiting for him to continue. "An arrow came from the woods and struck Shaw, Sergeant Langston was forced to push the arrow out. Unfortunately neither of them were lucky in escaping radiation or death." I turned around, my eyes narrowing at the blatant lie.

"How dare you lie about a man's death." My fist clenched on top of the hilts of my daggers.

"I beg your pardon?" The president seemed shocked at my outburst.

"That man, Shaw, he was shot by a bullet. There was no arrow in sight and they weren't even wearing their hazmat suits on properly. In fact, Shaw didn't have one on at all. Care to explain to me what you were trying to do?" I was within inches of Dante now. My presence screamed dominance as I stood tall and firm.

"I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at Miss Kane. Are you implying that one of our men shot one of their leading officers?"

"I'm not implying anything, Mr. President. I heard the gunshot, and there wasn't any movement in the trees. No arrow was shot nor was there an arrow in the grass, and as for Sergeant Langston, one of his bullets was missing from his gun." I pulled out the shell I had found when the medics took the two men inside. "I'd explain why you are covering up Shaw's death." I stepped closer to the old man, my face inches from his as I wrapped my hands around the hilts of my daggers. "Is that clear?"

Dante pursed his lips, his eyes scanning my face and eyes. Reading the promise and fire within them. Seeing the danger of me, or at least the only danger I've shown them I had potential for.

"Let's discuss this after breakfast. I'm quite hungry and you must be too." Dante took a step back and turned around. His back unguarded and wide open. He really was foolish. He was also smart, my curiosity was getting the better of me as I gripped my hilts' harder. Sneaky son of a biscuit.

I took one more look at the ground. Earth still seemed like a dream every time I saw it. A secret I would continue to keep along with the rest. I would return with the rest of the hundred in the mountain. Whether my hands are bloody when I do, and the length of my stay, will all depend.

Until we meet again, new home. Until I get us out and I find Bellamy, I will return, earth. I will return.

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