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Twenty minutes later, I was crawling through the vents again. Only this time I had a backpack on and a large bandage around my torso. Which led to my left leg doing a lot of the work while I basically slid through the metal tunnel.

The key for the cages grasped tightly in my left hand as I reached the end of the vent and popped it off. The sounds of moaning grounders filled the air. These people were too weak to be our internal army, the Trojan horse plan was a fail.

I stood up confidently but slowly to not disrupt my wound. Or catch my backpack on the vent. But when I did, and the grounders saw, some began whispering to themselves while others began calling out softly.

"Wanlida." The name Anya had called me was spoken by a brunette in the top cage on the right, closest to me. Her face tired as I approached. Others calling the name as well.

"Okay, let's go." I told her, popping the lock off the cage and helping her out. Her form tall but weak as I balanced her then handed her the key. "Get the rest of them out. But we need to stay quiet." I informed her.

"How do we do this?" She asked me as I used a duplicate key to start the other side.

"There is an army headed for the main door, a distraction. Once that door is open, all hell will break loose. From in here we meet at the back door into the tunnels, getting all of you out and taking out anyone who tries to stop us on the way." I turned my head to look at her as I helped a woman out of one of the cages. Watching the tall brunette nod for me to continue.

"But I may have a better plan, and with you all being as ill-looking as you are right now, I'd rather not take any chances." Once I finished the first row, top and bottom, I handed my key to another grounder who began to work on the rest of the cages in the larger room.

"But that doesn't mean you aren't dangerous. Which is why we are going to march straight to the door and get you guys out first." I informed all of the grounders hoping some would understand me and translate to the others.

"And what about your people?" The tall brunette from the first cage.

"My people are fighters and my first priority and I will get them out. But you guys need to get out first." There would be too many people in here if I didn't get them out. With them out and the innocent civilians tucked away, I would be able to do what I've wanted since the dropship.

"Okay." The tall brunette nodded in understanding looking at the grounders who have made a circle around us. "We'll follow you to safety, Wanlida." I scanned the crowd and played with the two keys I had gotten back.

"Then let's do this."

"My fellow citizens," My eyes snapped to the speaker in the room as did the grounders. "this is your president speaking." Some of the grounders looked at each other in confusion while I stared up at the speaker in anger.

"I have news to share with you that will change our lives forever. For 97 years, Mount Weather has been our home. It's kept us alive, but it has also held us captive. Most of us had made peace with what we've had to do to survive. We've done these things for one reason. So that our people could one day return to the ground, that day is today." I made my way over to the tall brunette and pulled her to the side.

"What's going on?" I looked at her and motioned to the speakers.

"The false leader of this mountain, is about to tell his people the cure to reaching the ground." I paused listening to Cage to see if I can still get these people out or not.

"Before my friend, Lorelei Tsing, was murdered by the outsiders still at large in this mountain, she found a cure. It was in their bone marrow."

"He's going to turn them against each other." I looked at the brunette, "listen, you need to all stay in here until I get back. He's going to have guards scouting the halls which makes it more difficult for me to get you to the back door. I'll be back I promise, but my people are about to cause a civil war, and I'd rather that not happen with all of us inside."

The brunette gave a sharp nod before turning to face her people and repeating what I had just said in Trig for them all to understand. I took that time to walk back to the vent and go through, the brunette quickly stopping me before I could.

"Thank you." I placed my hand on hers and gave it as squeeze.

"We can thank each other when I get you all out."


When this is through, I'm not crawling through another vent ever again. I'm so done. I pushed the metal of the vent off with my hand and started to crawl into the corridor only for the lights to go out.

My eyes clamping shut as I slipped out of the vent and onto the floor before I opened them again, my eyes adjusting to the hallway as I crept to the door of security. Managing to duck just behind a pillar as the back up lights flickered on. One minute exactly. Meaning Raven and Wick managed to blow the generators.

Which meant, we needed to go now. And I was too far from the grounders to make it back in time.

"Attention. Class 1 quarantine protocols are now in effect. All citizens must report to level 5 immediately." My eyes didn't move from the security door as Cage and another guard exited. People still in the room most likely due to the fact they had our bone marrow. Cage and Emerson disappeared from my sight and I didn't hesitate. I sprinted for the slowly closing door managing to reach the hilt of my dagger in to catch it right before the locking mechanism could engage.

Changing my hilt for my hand, I risked a glance to the slowly closing elevator as Cage made eye contact with my smirking form. I sent them a quick middle finger before slipping into the room where I shut the door and quickly blended into the shadows. None of the guards currently monitoring the cameras that were showing the outside army at the door being fired upon, noticed the door had opened and then closed again at an odd interval. Their lack of paying attention will be their downfall.

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now