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"What's code five?" I didn't stick around to answer Monty as I jumped out of my seat and ran. Only realizing later I wasn't sure where I was running too. But the large group of armed guards told me I was going in the right direction.

I ran passed them as I saw Clarke's blonde hair take off. The guards were much slower than any of the hundred, allowing me to squeeze by and open my gate to reach Clarke. Ignoring the slight gasps at my presence.

"Clarke." I got up to the girl and slowed my pace to match hers. "What are you doing?" She didn't look at me as we ran through piping and white halls.

"I'm getting out of here." She flashed me the red key card in her hand as we turned a corner.

"That's not what I meant when I looked at that girl." I spared a glance behind us to see the guards falling behind. "Clarke, I want to get you out so you can find the Ark. But now is not a good time. We don't have a plan and Dante made me a deal. Please just pretend to cooperate until the right time." She didn't answer as she got to a door that said restricted access. Scanning the key card and opening it, we both shoved in closing it behind us.

"We can figure out a plan later. Right now we are both getting out of here." She spoke as she started up the stairs.

"Clarke." She kept running, kicking me into action as I caught back up to her. "Clarke." She remained quiet, her feet pounding on the metal as I pushed off from each step lightly. "Clarke Griffin!" She paused turning her head towards me as I stood on the same step looking down at her. "I'll try to get you out, but I have to stay here."

She contemplated, and I could tell after the fight with the grounders she didn't want to leave me again. But she knew what had to be done.

"Deal." I nodded with a smirk and pushed passed her.

"Good. Now try to keep up."

The two of us sprinted to the top of the stairwell, coming out of another restricted access door.

"Go, I'll be right behind you." I ordered as I turned towards the door and started to break the scanner. I heard Clarke's feet pound away as I used the hilt of Lincoln's dagger to dislocate the top part.

"Unauthorized access." A female voice spoke over the blaring alarms. The continuation of both drove me insane as I finally dislocated the scanner from the wall and cut the wires connecting the cover to the mainframe.

I heard the cock of a gun and raced around the corner to see the brunette holding a gun to Clarke.

"Don't make me shoot you." The girl threatened.

Lincoln's dagger was still in my hand as I sprinted in front of the weapon. My other dagger in hand as I stood in front of the barrel.

"You do and you die too." The girl seemed shocked and that's all it took for me to kick the gun out of her hands and turn to Clarke.

"Wait." I watched Jasper walk up to the blonde who's hand rested on a lever to the large circular door. "Don't do this." I kept an eye on the brunette and other entrances as I slid my daggers back into their sheaths and picked up the gun from the floor.

"I don't believe them." Clarke's head shook as I watched her eyes well up. She was scared and didn't know what to do.

"Why would they lie." I heard the desperation in Jasper's voice. His innocence showing as he truly believed the Mountain Men were trying to help. "Listen to me. We are safe here." No we weren't.

I threw the gun strap across my shoulders and looked to Clarke who's eyes were already staring at me. I flicked my gaze to the camera over our heads, emotionlessly gazing into the camera.

"Because of you, we are safe." No one was safe. My family wasn't safe, the Mountain Men weren't safe, Lord knows if Bellamy and Finn were safe, I wasn't safe. And I'd never be as long as my people were in danger.

"Not all of us." Clarke's eyes watered as I looked back at her. Remembering that she didn't see the three of us get out of the rocket's way. At least I think it was all three of us. Another detail I would be discussing with her later. I could hear Jasper sniffle as I stepped closer to the two.

"I'm the one that fired the rockets. Should I not have done that? Clarke, when you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one." I saw Clarke's bottom lip quiver, her eyes snapping to mine as I reached Jasper's side.

"Clarke, not today." I whispered as I moved the gun behind my back and took another step closer to the blonde. "Not today." I pulled her into a hug as she swallows back her tears. Jasper and the girl's sighs of relief echoed in the distance as the guards came barging through a door.

"I'll get you out of here." I whispered into her ear hugging her tightly to block my mouth moving from the cameras. "I promise." I felt her nod into my chest as I moved my chin on top of her head giving her one last squeeze before letting her go.

"There she is!"

"Hold it right there!"

"Hands up!"

I turned around blocking Clarke's body and stepping slightly in front of Jasper as the guards ran down to us.

"Easy. I've got the situation handled." I spoke as I pulled the strap of the gun off my shoulders and tossed it to one of the guards. "They're fine. Problem diffused. You're welcome."

The sass didn't go appreciated as I was forced to my knees alongside Clarke. Even if I could have killed every single guard without a weapon, I didn't fight as I dropped to my knees and let them cuff me. Rolling my eyes then glanced over protectively at Clarke.

"Hey! Back off, you pricks!" I shouted as they forced Clarke down onto her stomach harshly. My protector instinct humming as the guards ignored me, making me snap.

Standing from my kneeled position and jumping through my cuffs so my hands were in front of me. I whirled around, kicking the guard behind me in the chest while stealing the keys from the other. Once I had knocked off both my guards I went towards the ones holding Clarke, simultaneously unlocking the metal cuffs and pushing both men off her.

"I'll take it from here, shitheads." The insult whispered under my breath as I gently picked Clarke up and motioned for a guard to lead us to wherever they wanted her to go.

"My money is they're taking you to Dante." I could feel Clarke's eyes roll. "Never thought I'd be the one escorting a cuffed prisoner."

"You unlocked my cuffs two minutes ago." Clarke commented as we stepped off the elevator. Her hands coming to the front of her body to the four other guards surprise.

"Which was a detail you didn't have to speak out loud."

Persphyni : I am DangerousWhere stories live. Discover now