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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried

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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried


Regina walked out of Granny's diner and Emma followed after her, "Oh, gosh... I gotta," Brooke said and looked at Killian, "Give me... 10 minutes then join me to make sure I'm alive, okay?" She kissed her cheek before walking out after the two of them. 

"Not now, Swan," Regina said with her eyes watery.

"I'm sorry when I brought Marian back, I didn't know who she was. I didn't intend to cause you pain," Emma told Regina as Brooke walked to Emma.

"Well, your intentions really don't matter," Regina turned to the twins, "Because once again, I've felt the brunt of herosim. Always the villain... Even when I'm not," Regina said.

"What was I supposed to do?" Emma asked her.

"Well, you were dumb enough to travel through time. Maye you should have left things well enough alone," Regina said.

"We're not gonna apologise for saving someone's life," Emma said.

"She was to die anyway, what did it matter?" Regina asked.

"What matters is that she is a person and... Whatever she did, she didn't deserve to die," Brooke said.

"Well, maybe she did," Regina countered.

"Well, you would know, I saved her from you," Emma said to Regina.

"The woman who did that, that was the person I was, not the person I am. I worked very hard to build a future... A future that's now gone," Regina said.

"You don't know that," Brooke said.

"Well, I know it's complicated enough that his dead wife is back," Regina countered.

"Regina, for that, I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to help..." Emma began to say.

"Swan... The more you try to help... The worse my life becomes," Regina said.

Robin, Marian and Roland walked out of the diner to join the twins with Regina.

"Maria, please, meet her. She's not at all what you think. Regina..." Robin said and led Marian to Regina, "I...I want you to meet Marian," He said and stood in the middle of the two women, "I...I want us to talk about this," Robin said looking between them.

"Wait, were you two... Are you two together?" Marian asked in disbelief.

"Marian, please," Robin said, trying to get Marian to understand.

"You and The Evil Queen?" Marian asked and Regina face hardened at the choice of words, "Did you let her near my son?" Marian asked and picked up Roland protectively, "Do you know what she's done? The terror that she's inflicted?" Marian questioned her husband.

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