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It was a cold and foggy night as Captain Hook and his crew were sailing through the waters of Neverland, late at night. Captain Hook walked up to the helm, he carried a lantern to light his way as Mr Smee was by the wheel eating cake.

"Mr Smee, we are to return to Neverland with a full hold, not full bellies," Captain Hook said to his First Mate.

"Come on, Cap'n, Pan will never notice if a few cakes are missing," Mr Smee said.

"You can eat as many cakes as you want after I find a way to destroy the Dark One. Until then, we keep Pan happy," Captain Hook said.

"Of course, but we don't hand over the girl?" Mr Smee questioned.

"Questioning me?" Captain Hook asked as he glared at him.

Suddenly, a woman's voice could be heard in the distance, the voice was a beautiful melody that entranced the pirates on the Jolly Roger.

"Do you hear that?" Captain Hook asked.

"It's beautiful," Mr Smee said.

The sounds of waves crashing soon came but the crew were too entrances by the Siren's song to notice what was going on. As soon as the singing stopped, the crew were all back to their senses.

Captain Hook took out his telescope and looked through it to see that they were about to crash into rocks, "Rocks dead ahead!" He yelled and raced back to the helm.

Captain Hook forcefully tried to steer the ship away from the rock and was successful in his task.

Mr Smee stood beside Captain Hook, "That voice, Cap'n... What was it?" The First Mate asked.

Captain Hook breathed heavily, "The most dangerous creature in all the seas... A mermaid," He told his First Mate as the Jolly Roger sailed away from the rocks and they all got to live another day.

"Good job, that girl has gone for the night," Mr Smee said.

"Yes," Captain Hook said and kept his eyes front as he sailed the ship completely to safety.

End of Flashback.

Brooke, Emma, Killian, David and Mary Margaret were out searching for Regina and Pinocchio, unaware they have turned him back into August.

They were walking in the direction of Gold's cabin where the villian's were hiding out. The twins were wound up and Brooke continued to fidgit with her gloves, as she and Killian both knew right now wasn't the right time to show it off.

"It's okay, girls. As long as he's with Regina, Pinocchio will be alright," Mary Margaret said to her daughters.

"We don't know that, I just wish I hadn't let her ditch me," Emma said.

"Swan, you couldn't have known that she'd drop that tracking device," Killian said.

"Yeah, but I let her talk me into thinking kidnapping him was a good idea. If anything happened to that kid, it's my fault," Emma said.

David bent down to inspect the tracks they have been following, "Uh, the tracks end here, looks like the rain washed them away," David said.

Killian looked at Brooke, "Would now be a good time for a locator spell?" He asked her.

Mary Margaret looked into the distance, "We may not need one, look," She said and they all stopped to look at the smoke that was travelling towards them. The smoke engulfed Mary Margaret, before disappearing inside of her, the others looked at her concerned.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now