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Six weeks later, Brooke into the living room and looked at her framed photo of her and Ingrid on top of the fireplace. She looked at the photo and smiled a little at it as Killian walked in, "Ready to head out love?" He asked her.

Brooke turned to him and smiled at him, "Yeah," She said and walked to him. 

Killian helped Brooke into her jacket, "Are you seeing Whale today?" He asked.

"I am yeah, appointments at 2 p.m. will you be able to join me?" Brooke said and turned to him.

"I should be able to love," He said and smiled, "Oh and before we go," He walked into the kitchen and came back with a takeaway cup, "Cinnamon cocoa?"

"You are perfect," Brooke said and smiled taking the drink, "Thank you," She kissed him gently.

The two walked out of their home and made their way into town.

They walked to the library meeting Belle outside, Killian kissed her and rubbed her stomach gently before Brooke walked on.

In the library, Killian and Belle were trying to figure out a way to get the fairies out of the hat.

Killian ended up punching the bulletin board out of anger and knocked off a few pieces of paper onto the floor, "Well, I see you still have your temper," She commented.

"Six weeks and nothing, they're still trapped inside that bloody hat," Killian said.

"Look we just have to keep at it, okay? But we will find a spell to release the fairies. I mean, these translations are difficult, but I've reached out to some of the finest minds in the world, and one of them will get to us, I know it," Belle told him.

"If we're reduced to those magic boxes, then I'd say hope is in short supply," Killian said pointing to the computer.

"They... Uh, call it the internet," Belle said and tapped her hand on the monitor, "And it can help us and once we get the fairies out of the hat, they can help us release everyone else, including that poor old man that you put in there," Belle said and turned to him.

"All because I let myself be tricked by that Crocodile, how could I have been so weak?" Killian asked.

"We all were, you know, Rumpelstiltskin got the best of us," Belle said, "And you're right, you should've been stronger, but you weren't and well, neither was I. You know, I should've seen through him," Belle said.

"Well, you were blinded by love, what was my excuse?" Killian asked.

"Probably the same, just for someone else," Belle told him.

"Well, he's right about one thing... Love is a weapon, as dangerous and persuasive as magic," Killian said.

"Yeah, he had all of our hearts," Belle said.

"Hey... As big a bastard as he was, he did love you, he loved you so much," Killian said to Belle.

"And, uh, now he's gone from our lives. Yeah, I...I just, I uh, I hope he's found whatever it is he's looking for," Belle said and looked up, "How's Brooke doing?"

"She's coping as best as she can," He said and nodded, "But, she's excited... We both are."

"I bet," Belle smiled at him, "Let her know that I'm always here for her."

"I will, thank you, Belle," Killian said before turning back to the bulletin board.

Later that day, Killian walked into the sheriff station to see Brooke putting her jacket on.

"Hey, Hook," Emma said from her office and smiled.

"Hello Swan," Killian said and walked to Brooke, "Ready, love?"

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now