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Killian and Brooke arrived at the restaurant where Killian had booked a table for them. It was a romantic Italian place, a waiter led them to a table.

"Well, Lyn, what do you think?" Killian asked her.

"I'm impressed, it's not Granny's," Brooke said.

Killian rushed forwards and pulled our Brooke's chair for her, "Well, I had to top our picnic," He made his way to his own seat, "Did I?"

"Well, I don't see Smee anywhere," Brooke opened a menu, "So, yes you have."

Killian removed his jacket as he sat down, "I'm glad," He said and looked towards the bar then back Brooke, "Shall I order us some drinks?" He asked.

"Not tonight," Brooke said.

Killian gave her a sultry look and posed slightly and his voice was flirtatious, "Why, love? You a bit worried you'll find me even more irresistible after a few libations?" Killian asked.

Brooke blushes and giggled, "No... As I don't need a drink for that," She said and he smirked, "I just want to stay sober tonight just in case the Snow Queen decides to crash our plans."

Killian's smirk dropped, "You still think her being here has something to do with you and Emma?"He asked.

"I don't think it, I know it. There was a puddle next to her car this afternoon," Brooke said.

"A puddle? What does that prove?" He asked and Brooke looked away, he reached across the table and took hold of her hands, bringing them up this lips, "Look, Lyn," He said and looked at him, "I didn't bring you here to worry about the Snow Queen, I brought you here to show you a good time... Now, how about a drink?"

"Okay," Brooke gave in.

Killian winked at her and signalled to the waiter. The waiter walked over and Killian ordered them a bottle of wine. Killian asked Brooke if she wanted breadsticks to share before their meal and she agreed. 

The waiter went to the bar and got the wine and a bowl of breadsticks before walking over with them.

Brooke noticed the waiter, "Thank you," She said as the waiter placed the bowl of breadsticks on their table. Suddenly, the waiter dropped some wine over Brooke, "Seriously?" She sighed and picked up her napkin then used it to dry the wine off her dress. She hasn't noticed who knocked into the waiter.

Killian suddenly reached across the table and grabbed the one who knocked the waiter by their collar. He pulled the person to him in an aggressive manner and was beyond annoyed, "Apologise to the lady, mate," Killian said.

"Killian," Brooke looked at Killian worried, "Look, it's okay," She said softly and each Killian release the person, Killian looked at his hand. Brooke looked at the person Killian grabbed and recognised Will, "You, you're the thief that took off from the ice-cream shop," She said and stood up, ready to chase him but Will ran off. She watched him and slowly sat down, "Nope, not gonna do it. We are on a date and I'm not gonna let some petty fairy-tale thief ruing it and there's an ice wall around the town, he can't get away. We'll find him, but he is not gonna ruin this night," Brooke said to herself then noticed Killian was distracted and she reached across the table and took hold his left hand, intertwining their finger, "Killian, hey, look at me," She said and he glanced at her, "It was just a glass of wine, I'm fine."

Killian forced a smile, "Sorry, love, I uh, don't know what got into me," He said.

Brooke brought his hand to her lips and kissed his fingers as she looked at him, "It's okay, don't apologise, there's no need to apologise for getting annoyed on my behalf... Unless it's at my family, then you apologise," She smiled at him.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now