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Brooke and Killian gave up watching the movie, were laid on the sofa kissing passionately. Brooke was removing his leather jacket when the power went out.

"What the hell?" Brooke asked and looked at the tv.

"What happened?" Killian asked.

"Probably a power cut," Brooke said and looked at Killian.

"Brooke... Brooke... Come in," Emma's voice came from through her walkie talkie.

Killian sighed and got off of Brooke, "Saved by the sister," Killian said.

"Sorry," Brooke said and went to her jacket, getting her walkie, "Hey Emma, what is it?" She asked into the walkie.

"Blackout all over town," Emma said.

"Right, we're not electrians Emma, why are we getting the calls?" Brooke asked.

"Just meet us at the station," Emma said.

"Fine," She said and put her shoes on and jacket.

"Going back to work?" Killian asked.

"When aren't I?" Brooke asked and looked at him, "Got your cell?" She asked and he held it up, "Good, if I need you I'll call you through that," She said.

"Okay," Killian said, "Be careful."

"Yeah, will be," She left their home.

Later in David's car, Brooke got into the truck, "Sorry I'm late," She said.

Emma looked at Brooke, "Did we interuppt something?" Emma asked and tapped her neck.

Brooke frowned and looked in the rearview mirror of the truck and saw a red mark, "Dammit Killian," She muttered.

"Henry wouldn't even let me hug him, it killed me," Emma said quickly changing the topic for Brooke.

"Sounds familiar," David commented.

"Because we do that, great, I've passed it along," Emma said.

"Not just you two, Henry has two moms who both put up walls. Sounds like he's taking after all of you," David said.

"It's not like him to pass up on operation anything," Brooke said.

"I know, I'm worried," Emma said.

"Well, kids have extreme reactions. They get over it fast, just stay story and roll with it. There's always people in this world who want you to give up. Don't make their jobs any easier girls," David said and saw the powerlines destroyed and a large ice wall, "What the hell?" He asked and stop driving.

"Whatever happened to these powerlines happened after the snow monster. Let's go find whoever did this," Brooke said and the three of them got out of the truck.

Later, Emma, Brooke and David were looking at the wall and Killian walked towards them, "In case you were wondering, it goes the whole way 'round," Killian told them.

"Killian, I didn't know you were joining us," David said.

"I get a distressed call from a fair maiden and I'm on the spot," Killian said looking at Brooke.

"I was not distressed," Brooke said.

"Wait, you're saying this wall... Goes around what... The whole town?" Emma asked Killian.

"And that it does," Killian nodded.

"So, once again, we can't leave Storybrooke," David commented.

"Doing more than keeping us inside, by the looks of that," Killian points tot he powerlines on the ground, "Guess that's what caused the loss of power."

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now