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Later, Henry led Brooke and Emma to a stump where he found Regina. He walked inside and saw Regina packing.

"Mom! I knew you'd still be here," Henry said.

"You again? Listen, I don't have time for stories, I need to hit the road before the Evil Queen has my head, "Regina said.

"Wait, I brought others this time, maybe you'll listen to them," Henry said.

Emma and Brooke walked inside, "Regina," Emma said.

"Let me guess, you're his other mother and his auntie," Regina said.

"Emma," Emma said.

"Brooke," Brooke added.

"I have to give you credit, breaking them out of that tower couldn't have been easy," Regina said.

"Henry, Brooke, can you give us a minute?" Emma said.

"Sure," Henry and Brooke said and walked out of the stump.

They walked to a log and sat down, Brooke breathed deeply and rubbed her stomach. Henry looked at her, "Are you... Doing okay?" He asked carefully.

"We'll get home and he'll be there... Right?" Brooke asked looking at him.

Henry placed his hand on hers and smiled, "He will have hope," Henry said.

"You sound like your grandparents... Real grandparents," She said.

"Runs in the family," Henry said, "He still loves you, you know that right? It was in his eyes."

"Thank you," Brooke said.

Emma and Regina walked out of the stump towards Henry and Brooke, "Let's go to the church," Emma said.

"Never thought I'd hear that coming out of your mouth," Brooke said.

Later outside the church, Emma, Brooke, Regina and Henry arrived at the church where Robin Hood and Zelena were about to get married.

"We haven't heard the wedding bells yet, there's still time," Henry said.

"I don't even know what to say to him," Regina said.

"I think, in this case, actions speak louder than words," Brooke said.

"Once you and Robin share true love's kiss, everything should be great again," Henry said.

"Okay," Regina said and Emma smiled, "What?"

"You don't remember this, but I promised you once I'd help you find your happy ending, we both did. Just glad I'm here to see it, you got this, Regina," Emma said.

Rumpelstiltskin appeared in from of them, "I'm afraid none of you are going to crash this wedding... Dearies," He said as he took out his sword as did Emma.

"Go, I got the Dark One," Emma said and Regina at the church, "Henry, take Brooke and hide," Henry and Brooke found a hiding place.

They watched as Regina reached the door of the church as Emma and Rumpelstiltskin fought against each other. Brooke and Henry looked in shock when Rumpelstiltskin sent Emma flying with his magic. Emma landed hard on bags of flour, knocking her out.

"Mom!" Henry yelled and ran out as did Brooke.

Brooke to Emma, "Emma?!" She yelled and turned to see Henry picking up Emma's sword, ready to cover his mother and aunt.

"Out of my way, boy," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"You have to get through me to get to them!" Henry said with determination.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now