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The next day Brooke was alone in her room as Henry and Killian went to meet Emma and Regina as they were back. Brooke was reading holding a mirror, she took a deep breath knowing she can't. 

She put the mirror on her bedside, "I can call them for you," Emma said and Brooke looked over to see Emma standing at the doorway.

"You're back," Brooke said.

"I am," Emma walked over and sat beside her, "Hook told me... I'm so sorry."

"It's just bedrest," Brooke said.

"Lily is here," Emma said.

"Lily..." Brooke said.

"Yeah, she knows... Everything and she sort of want revenge on our parents," Emma said, "Zelena is in the asylum as well, Robin is okay, Roland is okay."

"I see... Where's Killian?" Brooke asked.

"The loft," Emma said, "Want to get us there?" She asked.

"I can't use magic..." Brooke said.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Emma said. 

Later, Brooke and Killian were sat up looking at the sea from their bedroom, "What are we looking at?" Brooke asked.

"The horizon," Killian said.

"Is it doing something?" Brooke asked.

"Well, I just thought you'd find it calming," Killian said.

"It is, but so are cuddles," Brooke said as she looked at him.

Killian wrapped his arms around her and rests his head on hers, "Brooke, I know you're worried, you feel uneasy emotionally and your heart is uneasy and it is my job... Well, I hope it's my job, to protect your heart, even when no one is physically trying to steal it," Killian said.

"I'm already failing," Brooke said, "I'm failing as a mother, I've already put our child as risk," She said, "Gold didn't go for my heart, he went for Emma's."

"I'm not worried about him getting to your heart," Killian said and Brooke frowned looking at him, "I'm talking about your parents."

"We talked about this," Brooke said.

"I talked, you ignored. I just want to know, is anything gonna be enough or are you willing to lose them just to spite them?" Killian asked.

"Hush and cuddle," Brooke said stubbornly.

"They've done a lot of good, turned themselves into heroes, yes. I know they didn't own up to what they did, but id you ever think maybe they were ashamed and they wanted you to like them?" He asked.

"I'd like them more if, I'd known they turned themselves around. I like when people find their good hearts along the way," Brooke said.

They were trying to protect you, Lyn. Twice, before you were born, they wanted to make you happy and when they found you again, they wanted to make you proud. Do you want both those to be failures?" Killian asked.

"No..." Brooke said.

Killian asked and his phone rang, he answered, "Swan?" 

"Lily's turned into a dragon, the Author's disappeared," Emma said.

"Okay, where are you I'll help," Killian said.

"No! Protect your family!" Emma demanded, "Bring her to the loft, we'll meet there."

"Okay," Killian hung up and put his phone away, "Okay, love, we're going," He said.

"What?" Brooke asked and squealed when Killian picked her up bridal style, she held on, "Killian?" 

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now