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Killian and Gold arrived at Granny's Diner, "Go around the back and wait, you'll know when you are needed," Gold said to Killian.

Killian nodded as he walked towards the back of the diner with the hat.

At the library, Elsa was looking at Anna's necklace as the other's were talking.

"This shouldn't even be a conversation. If we don't get the necklace to the fairies right now, we and all our lovedones will be hit by this vicious spell. It's one woman's life versus a whole town," Regina said.

"Maybe we just haven't found an option where we don't have to lose anyone," Emma said.

"You're talking like a hero," Brooke said to her sister.

"Yes, like all you Charmings always do, but right now that's not your job. You're more than hereos, you're leaders, which means making the tough choice where someone has to lose and you have to say who," Regina said.

"I agree with Regina, you're right," Mary Margaret said shocking Regina, "We beed to do what's best for the most people. We need to give this town its best chance," Mary Margaret said.

"I'm so sorry, but we have to let the fairies destroy that necklace," David said.

"We'll talk to her," Brooke said and the twins walked over to Elsa and tell her what's been decided. Elsa handed Emma her purse and he twin walk back to the others then Emma handed over the purse to her parents.

Emma, Brooke, Regina, Mary Margaret, Henry and David made their way to Granny's Diner.

"Do you have the necklace?" Belle asked Emma.

"It's right here," Emma said and handed the blue bag over. Belle took the bag and handing the purse to Mother Superior.

Mother Superior opened the bag and turned it over as pebbles dropped into her hand, "It's pebbles from the mine," Mother Superior said.

"What?" Brooke asked.

"Where is it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She tricked us so she can use it, to keep tracking down her damn sister! I should know better than to trust blondes by now," Regina said.

"We should go back and get it," Emma said.

"No, it's... It's too late," Belle said.

"Too late? Already?!" Mary Margaret questioned.

"By the time you get back here, yes. Without Anna being here physically, there's no way to make a counter spell in time," Belle said.

"Time for a hope speech? Virtues of blind faith?" Regina said looking at the Charming family.

"Well, it seems Elsa's blind faith is exactly what's screwing us right now," Mary Margaret said annoyed.

"Coming from you, that's just terrifying," Regina said.

"Well, I'm not giving up. I know she's down in the mines looking for Anna, I'm gonna go help Elsa find her," Brooke said and walked to the door.

"I'll come with you," Emma said and the twins left the diner and went to join Elsa in the tunnels.

"Elsa!" The twins yelled in unison.

Elsa turned to them, "I'm sorry! I have to try this!" She said standing in front of the dead end. Elsa used her powers on the dead end and she broke through the wall. They walked through the hole and onto a beach.

"The beach? That map couldn't have been anymore wrong," Brooke said.

"I don't understand, she should be here," Elsa said.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now