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Elsa came back from Henry's bedroom, "How is he?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I gave him enough ice for the week, it should help with the swelling," Elsa said.

"No, how is he?" Mary Margaret pressed.

"Upset, I just wanted him to understand Emma and Brooke's magic is tied to their emotions, like mine. The reason he ended up hurt was that they were trying so hard not to hurt him. It sounds very convoluted when I try to explain it now," Elsa said.

"No, no... It makes perfect sense," Mary Margaret said.

Regina walked into the Charming's loft, "Where's Henry? Is he okay?" Regina asked.

Killian leaned around a kitchen counter as he was in his own little world as the others spoke about a locator potion. 

Mary Margaret's phone rang as did Killian's, Killian got his phone out and saw Brooke's name, he answered his phone, "Love? Love, please tell me you're alright," Killian said as Mary Margaret spoke to Emma.

"I'm fine Killian... I just... I'm sorry... I can't," Brooke said.

"You can't what? What is it? Talk to me," Killian said.

"I can't keep my magic... I love you," Brooke said and hung up.

"Lyn? Lyn!" Killian said and sighed, "Dammit..."

"What did they say?" David asked looking between Killian and Mary Margaret.

"Emma said she's going to get rid of her magic... Forever," Mary Margaret said.

"So did Brooke," Killian said.

"Emma said, it will be over soon, and she can't wait to be home for her cocoa with cinnamon," Mary Margaret said and looked Killian.

"She didn't say anything about the method, either? Not even mentioned spell or a magical object?" Killian asked.

"Who cares how they're doing it? That's not what matters here," David said.

"No, you're absolutely right... I think I'll go to the shop and find something to cook for Lyn," He smiled and walked to the door, then turned to the parents, "Call me if you hear anything else and I will, with you," He said and left the loft then took out his phone.

Killian phoned Brooke and it went straight to voicemail, as he walked downstairs to leave the building, "Brooke, it's Killian. I know we just spoke, but I need you to call me right away or you won't be able to come home to me... Ever," Killian hung up his phone, "Dammit, Lyn. Don't tell me you two trusted the crocodile," He said to himself.

Later in the loft, Elsa overhead David's and Mary Margaret's conversation and decided to use the locator potion on Emma's scarf. Elsa didn't want the twins to regret their decision as their magic should be loved and appreciated not feared and taken from them.

Elsa picked up the vial that contained the locator portion and Emma's scarf. She quietly left the loft without anyone noticing her leaving.

Meanwhile at Gold's shop, Killian walked inside, "Crocodile?! Where are you?!" He yelled and looked down at the counter where Emma burnt her handprint into it, "No..." 

Killian took his phone back out and phone Brooke, it went straight to voicemail again, "Lyn, it's Killian again. You have to listen to me. I know that you'v been to see the crocodile. I saw what happened and if he's promised to get rid of your powers, don't listen to him. He doesn't want to help either you, he wants... He wants to collect your powers in a bloody hat and when he does, you'll be sucked in, too. I...I don't know what he's planning, but I know that he's been lying to Belle. The dagger he gave her is a fake. I only know all this because... Because I'm afraid I've been lying to you, too," Killian said and sighed a little, "Gold blackmailed me into helping him. He knew, he knew I'd do whatever it takes to be with you, and he used it against me. I just wanted to be a better man for you, Lyn, but I failed and now because of it, I might lose you. I'm sorry, but I hope you never forgive me because that means that you'll get this in time to save yourself..." He said and went silent for a bit before looking at the ceiling, "I love you too," Killian said and hung up his phone.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now