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Brooke and Emma continued to follow Regina, Brooke stayed silent as Emma and Regina continued going back and forth about how Regina knew where to go without a locator spell.

"So, I've impressed you? Well, it makes it all worthwhile then, doesn't it?" Regina said.

"Why are you doing that? I was just trying to give you credit. I'm trying to be nice," Emma said.

"And then what, complimenting my outfits, giving me a makeover, braiding my hair, calling Robin Hood and hanging up? You're trying to win me over so I can assuage your guilt intentionally or not, Ms Swan, you brought Marian back. You ruined my life and there is no coming back from that because I know you think you didn't mean to, but you hurt someone. So do as I do... Learn to live with it... Welcome to my world," Regina said as she continued to lead the way.

Regina, Emma and Brooke walked up to an ice bridge, "Looks like Elsa was here," Emma said.

"Thanks, Ms Swan, please continue to point out the obvious," Regina countered.

"Then obviously we're not gonna step on it till we know it's safe," Emma said.

Regina began walking on the bridge, "It's safe," She said.

"Hey!" Emma said.

"You were saying?" Regina questioned.

"I don't know why you bothered," Brooke said.

"Well, that makes two of us. Now hurry up, I'd like to get to that Snow Qeen before it's actually winter," Regina said.

The three began walking on the bridge when the wind began to blow, "Something's not right..." Brooke said.

"Maybe your sparkly, blue-dressed friend is closer than you think," Regina said.

"I don't think this is Elsa," Brooke said and the wind blew stronger and the bridge began to shake.

"It's the Snow Queen! She found us!" Emma said.

Regina's eyes widened, "Sydney," She said.

"Sydney? What does Sydney have to do with any of this?" Emma asked but Regina didn't answer her.

"Regina! Talk to us! What aren't you telling us?" Brooke asked her.

Regina took out her mirror, "You liedto us, you said you didn't have a clue where Sydney was!" Emma yelled.

"He was inyour mirror this whole time?!" Brooke questioned.

"Maybe I did, so what? I don't have to tell you both everything I'm doing!" Regina replied and opened up her compact mirror.

"Nor do I, Your Majesty," Sydney said.

"You led us here, you're working for the Snow Queen?! Traitor!" Regina said.

"I'm the traitor? I think Your Majesty, should take a look in the mirror and as you contemplate what you've done. Know that she has a present for you, one that I'd say is well-deserved," Sydney said and disappeared from the mirror.

"Sydney!" Regina yelled in anger.

"Regina?" Brooke looked at what they just walked on.

"Save you moral judgement," Regina said.

"Look!" Brooke said and they all saw the ice bridge collapsing.

The three woman began running to the other side, "Jump!" Emma yelled and they all jump onto the other side, the bridge was completely gone.

"You guys okay? Regina? Brooke?" Emma asked.

"I think we have a bigger problem," Regina said and they all saw a warrior snowman.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now