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At the loft, Brooke, Regina and Emma were stood together trying to work out how the Author was trapped in the book.

"How the hell is the Author trapped inside the book?" Regina asked.

"Don't ask me, you're the magic expert," Emma said.

"Mom," Henry said.

"Well, this is insane. What are we supposed to do, draw a key?" Regina asked.

"Mom," Henry tried again.

"What we need to do is figure it out before Gold does," Brooke said.

"Mom!" Henry called out louder and the three women turned to him shocked, "There's something wrong with August," He asked.

Emma walked over to August and Brooke followed slowly, Emma shook him, "August? August?" She called out but he didn't wake up.

"We need to get him help," Brooke said.

They took August to Mother Superior, "He's been through a lot," Mother Superior said.

"What's happening? He was awake and then he passed out, and..." Brooke began to say.

"Well, he's been changed by magic many times, for him to survive this, he will have to be very strong," Mother Superior told her.

"We have a bigger problem," Regina said.

A few minutes later, they walked into the hallway and Brooke sat herself down on a chair.

"Gold and these other witches are expecting me, they sent me on a mission to get that page from the book and if I return empty-handed, whatever suspicions they have of me will be confirmed," Regina said to the twins.

"Then give them this," Emma said and she conjured a duplicate of the page with the door on it.

"Wow, you're getting good," Henry said.

Brooke began to zone out as they spoke about Regina using the forgery but Regina soon decided to take a photo on her phone instead of taking the forgery. 

Regina was about to leave and she looked at Brooke, "Emma... I think somethings wrong," Regina said.

Emma looked at Brooke and saw her holding her mouth, "Oh no, go do what you need to do, Henry go get her a glass of water," Emma said and helped her sister up, "Come on, come on," Emma said and took her to the toilets, "Easy, easy," Emma said, "Pregnancy's a bitch, huh?" She tried to lighten the mood as she held her sister's hair back.


Later, Henry walked into the loft first holding the door open as Emma helped Brooke in, to find David, Mary Margaret and Killian inside.

"Easy, easy," Emma said and helped Brooke to the dining room.

"What happened?" David asked.

"Just pregnancy," Emma said and looked at Killian, "What is it?"

"Before Ursula left, she told me what the villains have planned," Killian said and walked over to Brooke then sat beside her, "To get their happy endings, they intend to darken your hearts, or at least one of yours. To turn one or both of you into a villain so you'll no longer be the saviours," Killian said, "As the two of you are the saviours, if one of you is turned dark, then no more saviours."

"What?" Brooke said with a dry voice.

"You can't just un-saviour the saviour," Henry said and handed Brooke a bottle of water.

"Ursula said Gold has a way he can use the Author to do it," Killian said.

"That's insane if that's what their plan is, stop worrying. It's ridiculous. Author or no author, we are not going dark, right sis?" Emma asked.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now