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Killian rushed into the room where Brooke, Mary Margaret and August were, "What happened?" He asked and went to Brooke.

"I'm going to your sister," Mary Margaret said and left, knowing Brooke will be okay.

August told Killian what happened and he watched Killian picking Brooke up. Killian found Mother Superior and got her to check Brooke, she told Brooke to relax and that the baby was okay.

Later that night, Killian and Brooke appeared in from of Emma in blue smoke in the woods.

"Are you okay?" Emma asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, let's find this Author," She said, "I'll rest when this is over," She added.

Emma led the group, as Killian helped Brooke walk steadily over the uneven ground.

The next day the group walked back inside the Charming's loft.

"You sure you guys don't remember something else about the Author, some way to find him?" She asked as she and Killian walked to the sofa and sat down.

"We told you everything we know," David said.

"Are you sure about that?" Emma said as she carried a blanket to Brooke, "Because secrets just keep coming out," She added and put the blanket over Brooke.

"Okay, you're clearly still upset," Mary Margaret said.

"Yes, we're still upset," Emma turned to them, "You were the ones who taught us there is always a right way. A heroic way and what you did to Maleficent's child..."Emma said.

"It was our only option to make sure you grew up... Good," David said.

"I'm sorry, but if Killian and I had that situation with our daughter, I'd choose to trust her and trust our way of bringing our daughter up. I would never harm a defenceless person," Brooke said.

"And that right there, that goodness is exactly why we did what did... It was worth it," Mary Margaret said.

Regina walked into the loft and Emma turned to her, "Regina, where have you been?" She asked.

"In the middle of a very bad day, I'll tell you the whole story later, after I rescue Robin Hood," Regina said.

"Robin Hood? What the hell are you talking about?" Brooke asked.

"I called the number that Emma gave me, but Marian answered the phone and I discovered... She's not really Marian at all," Regina said.

"So, who is she?" Emma asked.

"Zelena," Regina said.

"The wicked witch?" David asked.

"I don't know how it's possible, but my sister has been masquerading as he this entire time and she's in league with Gold. Robin's in danger, so I'm going to New York to find him and stop her," Regina said.

"And what about Gold? If they're working together, he's not just gonna let you waltz off and spoil his plans," Killian said.

"I wouldn't worry about Gold. I know exactly how to handle him," Regina said.

Later that day, Brooke and Emma went to Regina to find her packing her stuff for the journey to New York.

"You sure going to New York is a good idea? You don't know what Zelena has planned," Emma said.

"What if it's a trap?" Brooke asked.

"Robin's in trouble, I have no choice," Regina said.

"You don't have to go alone," Emma said.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now