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Brooke, Emma and Henry were in Emma's bug and Emma stopped outside of Granny's. The three of them got out of the bug and stood on the pavement.

"Why am I doing this again?" Brooke asked.

"You want to move forward with him right?" Emma asked, "Go."

Henry gently pushed her forward, "Use that backbone, you have," Henry said.

Brooke walked into the diner and closed the door behind her. She saw Killian playing darts and walked towards him, he stopped playing, turned around and saw Brooke walking up to him, "The Snow Queen turn up? Did I miss the search party?" He asked her.

"Uh, hmm, no... Nothing to miss," Brooke said, "No sign of that ice witch yet."

"That's alright, Lyn, you'll find her," Killian said.

"Yeah, I know, uh, tha's not why I'm here," Brooke said.

Killian looked at her curiously, "Then why are you here?" Killian asked.

"Well, I hmm I thought about what you said last night about being a survivor and you're right," Brooke said.

Killian turned back to the dart board, "It's like I said, love, you don't have to worry about me," Killian said.

"Good, because I'm here to ask you out," Brooke said, Killian threw a dart but complete missed the wall, he appeared surprised and a bit flustered by Brooke's words, "To dinner or something..." 

Killian turned back to her, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you out?" Killian asked her.

"Should have known you'd be old-fashioned, given your age... What are you, like 300?" Brooke asked, trying to get rid of her nerves.

"Curses and Neverland, may have given me experience but as you can see, I've retained my youthful glow," Killian said and Brooke giggled looking at him amused, "I happily accept but on one condition... You let me plan the evening," Killian said.

"Why?" Brooke asked.

"You know to chase a monster, I know how to pan an evening out... Remember the picnic," Killian pointed out.

Brooke narrowed her eyes playfully at him, "Oh, was that picnic a date? I thought it was your way of keeping me sweet so I didn't yell at you for leaving again," Brooke said, "So, since we're here and this will be the first date in Storybrooke, I don't pillage and plunder straight away, just so you know."

Killian smirked and walked to her, he leaned in slightly. his facial expression turned to one of seduction and his voice became lower and more melting, "You know love, we live together and you haven't been out with me properly yet," Killian said and pecked her lips before standing up straight, "See you tonight?"

"Pick me up from the loft?" She asked and he nodded, "Oh, and..." She began and looked at him as he watched her, "Nothing..." She smiled before walking out of the diner.

Emma followed her out and she linked her arm with her younger sister, "You are blushing," Emma teased.

"Shut up... I don't know why I'm so nervous... We've already... You know and we live together, sleep in the same bed... Why am I so nervous?" Brooke asked looking at her.

"I don't know, maybe because you're in love?" Emma teased and Brooke looked at her confused as Emma walked around to the drivers seat. Brooke watched Emma looking at the ground, "What the hell?" 

"What is it?" Brooke asked and looked at the front of the car to see that the car was in a puddle, "That wasn't there before... Should I cancel?"

"No!" Emma scolded her sister, "You will not, now get in," Emma ordered.

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now