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Brooke was at her family loft, her parens just told the twins that Regina is going undercover to find out what Maleficent, Cruella and Ursula are up to in Storybrooke.

"I'm sorry, Regina's doing what?" Brooke asked as she sat on the sofa looking at her parents.

"She's going undercover," David said.

"With someone who could turn into a dragon?" Brooke questioned.

"Are you out of your minds? Why didn't you call us?" Emma asked.

"There wasn't time, she told us the plan and that was it," David said.

"You should've told us," Emma said.

"Why? You two really think you could've stopped her?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I could've helped, I was a bail-bonds person. Pretending to be someone else was part of my job," Emma said.

"I know that, but I really think Regina can take care of herself," Mary Margaret said.

"I hope you're right, when is she supposed to check in?" Brooke asked.

David and Mary Margaret stay quiet, Emma looked at him, "Mom, Dad, when is she supposed to check in?" Emma pressed.

"About an hour ago," David said.

"Where did she go to meet them?" Brooke asked.

"Granny's," Mary Margaret said.

"Emma, let's go," Brooke said and stood up, she walked to the door and called Killian, "Hi Killian, meet us at the diner. Regina has gone undercover with Cruella and the other two and hasn't checked in," She said.

"Okay love, on my way... You sure you're okay to be working?" Killian asked her.

"I'm fine for now, if you get there before us find out what happened between Regina and them for us, we can't waste much time today," Brooke said, "See you soon, we're gonna check a few other places," She hung up.

After a while of searching for Regina, Emma and Brooke drove up to Granny's and saw Killian sat on one of the outside tables. 

The twins walked up to him, "Find anything in there?" Emma asked.

"Well, a burned table, broken bottles, a very pissed off Granny," KIllian said and stood up, "Apparently, Regin and the witches drank the place dry. I think she won them over," He told them.

"Unless that's exactly what they wanted her to think," Emma said.

"Look, I know you two are worried, but we don't even know what happened yet," Killian said.

"That's what's worrying us, she's not at home, she's not at the office, our parents are gonna check her vault, but..." Brooke said.

"And you fear the worst," Killian said.

"I can't help but think, if the undercover thing worked, if she's got the situation under control, then why the hell isn't she back yet?" Brooke questioned.

"That's a good point," Emma said.

"Yes it is, but don't get worked up too much," Killian said as he looked at Brooke, "It's not good for the baby."

"It's not good for the mommy either," Brooke countered and Killian smiled, "Don't smile at me."

"Hormones," Emma said to Killian who nodded.

"I'm used to it," Killian chuckled and held his hand out to Brooke, "Come on, let's get you tucked in."

"But..." She began and Killian looked at her then at his hand, "Fine," She put her hand in his and turned to Emma, "Call me if you need me."

Storybrooke Is Frozen [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #4 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now