Chapter 6

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The footsteps in the hall grew louder. There was some noise outside the door before it was pushed open. 

"Hey! Girl with the brown hair! Get up!" It was one of the guys from the truck. He was wearing jeans and a sweaty, oil stained shirt. His hair was in a buzz cut and he looked well muscled.

"Who? Me?" I said pointing to myself with fake innocence.

"Get up now or i'll drag you out!"

"Do I get time off for good behavior if I do?" I said standing up.

"No," he said "You get a bullet between the eyes." He pulled a pistol out from under his jacket and aimed it at me.

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming!" I walked over to the door. He grabbed me by the shoulder with his free hand and spun me around so my back was facing him. I glanced at the cot Liv was sleeping on. I hope she doesn't wake up while i'm gone. I thought as he tied something around my wrists to keep them together.

The guy grabbed the back of my shirt and shoved me outside the room, locking the door behind us. The room they were keeping us in was in the middle of the hall. The guy continued to push and shove me down the hall. "You know what?" I said "I'm getting tired of calling you 'guy'. From now on i'm going to call you Goon."

"Don't even think about it." Goon growled.

"Whatever you say Goon." I shrugged.

We soon came up to a door that he opened and shoved me into. The room was dark -pitch black to be exact- and smelled of mold and decay. As soon as the door shut a single light bulb turned on revealing the second man and a rotting, wooden chair. 

The bulb wasn't very bright, flickering every few seconds. It cast a low glow on the paint striped cement walls. It only had a radius of about five feet before it was pitch black again, making it impossible to tell how big the room was.

Goon shoved me in the direction of the other guy. "Sit." he barked, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me into it.

"Cuz I sooo had a choice in that matter." I said, rolling my eyes.

"That's enough outa you!" the second guy said smacking me in the face. Goon soon had me tied to the chair with whatever he kept using.

The second guy, pulled a second chair out of the darkness and placed it in front of me, backwards. He sat down in it, facing me, he probably thought it made him look like a bad ass. 

It didn't.

"Wow," I commented, "All you need is an apple." I smirked as the anger grew clear on his face.

"I thought I told you to shut up!" He yelled, smacking me again. "Will you please give us a moment of privacy?" He said glaring up at Goon, who only nodded and retreated out the unseen door. "Now," he said turning his attention back to me, "You're going to answer ALL of my questions or else..." He paused as he drew a knife out of his pocket, MY knife no less.

I put on a look of fake distress. "Oh no! Someone please save me from this monster!" I cried, adding in a few fake sobs at the end. But then I lost it and burst out laughing. Tears came to my eyes before the guy punched me in the face again.

"What part of shut up don't you understand?" he hissed.

"Maybe if you said please I would." I answered, batting my eyes innocently. In a flash he held my head up, exposing my neck, and holding my knife up to it.

"Listen girl, I don't have time for your games!" he snarled. His voice sounded like gravel and that's exactly what I told him. He dropped the knife to my leg and started to drag it along my jeans. My knife being as awesome as it was, easily cut through the fabric and straight to my skin. Beads of blood began to appear, the only sign that it had been there. I gritted my teeth in pain but I didn't waver.

"Now," he started again "Tell me your name."

I gave him the most dead pan look I could muster and said, "El Diablo" This earned me a hard slap to the face.

"Fine." he said "We'll just get the answer out of your friend. But until it's her turn we still have a few more questions to be answered. Are you sick or have you been sick in the past week?"

I pretended to look like I was trying to remember but really I was trying to think of the most infuriating thing to say. Then it came to me "I have a severe disease that when guys that smell like shit talk to me I die. Oh no! I-I can't b-breath!! Ahhh." after that I let out a short display of coughing and strangled noises. As I expected he hit me in the face again, but this time the metallic taste of blood was in my mouth. My greatest weapon. I thought to myself. 

I made myself eye level with him and then used my amazing spitting skills to shoot my blood into his face. He stumbled back, yelling. He fell back so far he left  the light and I could no longer see him. I laughed at his embarrassing display.

"That's it!" he shouted. "I am done with you!" He picked up the chair I was in and threw me at the wall. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. As soon as the back of the chair hit the wall it broke. But so did my back. I think. It still hurt like hell. I curled up in a ball on the floor, hugging all my aching limbs close to my body.

Heavy breathing resounded through out the room. Well at least I succeeded in making him angry. I slowly picked myself up off the ground and rubbed my burning back. Then, just like that, he came charging at me. He threw punch after punch. It wasn't long before I was back on the ground. 

Then I finally realized that when the chair broke my arms and legs had been untied. As he brought the next blow down towards me, I brought my arm up to block. I might look skinny and week, but I've had my fair share of fighting lessons.

My block only seemed to enrage him more. (Someone has some major anger issues) Before he could punch at me, I brought my knee into his chest. He gasped and then kicked at me. I ducked and rolled past him, spinning around as he came at me like an enraged bull. Just before he was a foot away from me I kicked my foot up into his no no area and he went crashing to the ground.

I was about to make a break for the door when it opened and Goon stepped in. "Everything alright in he-" he started but then looked at his partner on the ground and then at me and then back at his partner then me again before he brought out his gun, training it on my head. "Put your hands in the air and stay there!" he growled.

I laughed. "Put your hands in the air!" I mimicked "Sounds like something a cop would say." he just glared at me. I heard the other guy get up behind me and grab my hands, retying them with some of the rope on the floor. I struggled to escape his hold on me but it was useless.

He threw me over his shoulder where I proceeded to kick and flail my body like a dying fish. He carried me out of the room, into the blinding lights, down the hallway and back to the cell they were keeping us in.

"Casey!" Liv shouted, as they tossed me unceremoniously onto the floor. Then there was screaming as the guys went over and grabbed Liv. I wanted to stop them but the pain of my fight with guy #2 was starting to come on full force. So I lied on the floor, curled in a ball, waiting for it to stop as they dragged my best friend away to most likely the same room I had been in only moments before.

At least I got my knife, I thought with a smirk, feeling the smooth surface of the weopon. Those guys are complete idiots.


Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I went brain dead for a little while. But then TJ threatened to write my chapter for me so I was like fine. She gave me a week. Today is/was my deadline.

I'm a procrastinator


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