Henry and Amy's Promposal Fiasco

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"Look guys, I just want to be left alone right now, okay?"

Henry kept his back to them all as he sat hunched over on the floor of Studio A. Finn sighed, lifting an arm to scratch at the back of his neck as he shared a solemn look with Noah. They'd spent all day helping Henry plan the perfect promposal for Amy, only for her to reveal she was already going with another guy.

Finn didn't like to think negatively about other people, but he thought that was a real jerk move of Amy. How could she lead Henry on by going to the effort of planning an entire prom for him and then turn around and ask another guy, and another guy from another studio at that?

She clearly didn't deserve Henry, but that didn't stop his friend from feeling heartbroken anyway.

Summer slowly moved to sit next to Henry on the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and giving him a gentle smile. "Your promposal was really great, Henry. I know I would love it if someone planned something like that for me."

Henry was quiet for a moment then slowly shook his head. "She didn't even bother waiting for me," he mumbled.

"If she really wanted to go with you, she would have," Summer told him, "But it's her loss, not yours."

Henry sighed and fell back onto the floor, his head falling at Finn's and Noah's feet as he stared dejectedly up at the ceiling. "What's so great about Ty? He's a stupid acro dancer with stupid hair. He's so stupid."

"Your hair is way cooler," Finn was quick to assure him.

"Yeah, man, and I bet he didn't even have a promposal for Amy. He pales in comparison to you," Noah added.

Even with the assurance of his friends, however, Henry's lips quivered, and his dark eyes appeared shinier than usual. "But it still didn't matter in the end," he said in a pitiful voice.

Summer met Finn's eye, a deep frown on her face. Finn had noticed her hanging around a lot with Amy over the last few weeks, and he couldn't help wondering what she thought about all of this. Amy was so friendly and bubbly and had a personality that could draw anyone in. It surprised him that she would do something so low to Henry, given everything that he knew about her. Was Summer as surprised as he was?

"You know, when I'm sad, I like to do something fun to take my mind off it," Summer said, turning her gaze back to the dejected boy in front of her. "There's an old horror movie playing at that old theater downtown tonight. I was going to check it out. Do you want to come with me?"

Henry sniffed and lifted his head to look at her. "Is that the theater with all you can eat popcorn?" Summer nodded, and his head flopped back against the floor again as he told her, "Okay."

Noah gave an appreciative nod to Summer then nudged Finn and gestured toward the door. "Come on. Summer's got this," he muttered.

Finn followed Noah's lead out of Studio A. Neither of them spoke until they had stepped into the hall. Simultaneously, they both let out a deep breath, and Noah ran his hands through his hair. "Man, this day did not end the way I thought it would."

Finn shook his head grimly. "Definitely not." He paused then noted, "I thought Amy and Henry were really close." He'd been at the studio long enough by now to pick up on which members of A-Troupe tended to stick together the most, and if Amy wasn't with Piper or Summer, she was usually with Henry.

"They are. Or were," Noah answered with a frown. "Honestly though, Henry's never mentioned feelings for Amy before. Must've caught them both by surprise."

"Why would she go to the effort of planning a whole prom for Henry and then decide to go with another guy?" Finn asked, finally voicing the question that had been running through his mind since the moment Amy had turned down Henry's promposal.

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